‘The Vault of Internet Marketing Secrets’- Campbell’s IMS Newsletter
Michael Campbell has released the latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “The Vault of Internet Marketing Secrets”. [Newsletter Reprint]
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.
Internet Marketing Secrets
Issue #128 – August 23 2007
In this issue: Meet the single most effective trainer of internet marketers, in the history of internet marketing. Discover a little known, but highly effective, three minute secret to success. And it’s back to school for affiliate marketers.
Plus… Learn CSS the fast and easy way. How to get 25,000 dollars more than last year. The fastest way to get links. And cast your vote for my new private site, “The Vault of Internet Marketing Secrets.” All this and a lot more in this edition of IMS. Enjoy
The System Intensive Seminar
In September 1994, I got a copy of the first ever web browser called Mosaic, and with HTML 1.0, built my first web site, for a large commercial print shop. I realized that the power of the printing press, no longer belonged to those who owned them.
The power of the press, was now in the hands of everyday people. The internet was about to change everything… the way we communicate, the way news would spread, and how we would get our information.
Six weeks later that same year, internet pioneer Ken McCarthy, organized the first conference ever held, that focused exclusively, on the commercial potential of the web.
1994 ==> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5046297730700144952
Ken was the first to realize that, technology is the just the ride, content is and always will be king. Since those days, Ken has been hosting an annual internet marketing conference called “The System Seminar” training the worlds best internet marketers.
He’s watched the medium mature. He has watched the marketing space degrade into lazy opportunists, with dog pack mentality. But rather than join the beast, Ken has decided to fight back, with his new one day seminars, and this volley from his blog…
Ken’s Blog ==> http://kenmccarthy.com/blog/
“Most business owners are sales and marketing wimps, those who understand the art of selling get the playing field all to themselves.”
“Frankly, there’s nothing more annoying to a real entrepreneur than some twit with a pile of easy money, driving the prices of everything up, and stinking up the marketplace with his noise.”
“The best investment in good times, and the best investment in bad times, has always been the same thing: a smart, well run business, that’s in touch with marketing reality.”
“The only thing that keeps most people from enjoying the fruit of own their own successful business, is a lack of knowledge. Plenty of people are willing to work hard and they do – for other people. But hard work without an entrepreneur’s insight, and know-how, is a prescription for being on an endless treadmill.”
“So how do you get off the treadmill and profit whether times are good or bad? You invest in your most important asset: Yourself. You develop the most valuable real estate you own: The space between your ears.”
“Internet marketing is still the best shot, that the little guy has to get traction, and escape consensus mediocrity, and live life, on his or her own terms.”
Are you ready to join an intense, small group setting, conducted personally by Ken McCarthy, the single most effective trainer of internet marketers, in the history of internet marketing?
He’s now accepting reservations for this one day training seminar in Chicago and New York.
Other cities Ken is considering, are Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Orlando, Phoenix and San Francisco in the USA. London in the UK. Toronto and Vancouver in Canada.
Go and sign up. (And no… I don’t make a dime for promoting it. I just have an immense amount of respect for Ken and what he teaches.)
Click on the one location that’s best for you. The more votes a city gets, the more likely Ken will bring the one day System Intensive Seminar to your town.
Get the System ==> http://www.systemintensive.com
The Three Minute Secret to Success
Have you heard about TED? It stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.
TED is devoted to giving knowledge seekers, direct access to the world’s greatest thinkers and teachers. Each speaker is challenged to give the talk of their lives in just 18 minutes.
More than 100 talks from their archive are now available, with more being added each week. All the videos are released under a Creative Commons license, so they can be freely shared and reposted.
Their mission: Spreading ideas. To quote TED, “We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.”
Visit TED ==> http://www.ted.com/talks
In the business category, look for a 20 minute video by Seth Godin – marketing uber guru – on sliced bread and other marketing delights. There are internet stars like Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google. There’s Jeff Bezos – founder and CEO of Amazon – on web innovation.
Then slather your brain with Tony Robbins – the life coach – asking why we do what we do. Chris Anderson of WIRED, on tech’s Long Tail. And Dean Kamen – creator of the Segway human transporter – on inventing and giving.
There are dozens of videos here. They are formatted for iPods, desktop video, or just take the MP3 audio. They encourage you to get the word out about TED, to link the videos, and embed them in your web pages.
One thing is for sure, they are all very smart people. They make you think. And that’s what ideas are supposed to do… let your mind, thought and consciousness, wander, ponder and savor the possibilities.
If nothing else… watch a short clip by Richard St. John. In seven years of research, he interviewed more than 500 successful people, then distilled down what they told him, into eight simple principles and it’s only three minutes long. It’s the three minute secret to success.
Secret ==> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/70
Watch it daily. Burn it into your long term memory. And live by it. Then you’ll have no choice… except success.
TalkShoe Adds Business Recording
Earlier this week, I received a note from Dave Nelson, the founder of TalkShoe. They’ve updated their service in a surprising way. Dave told me, “We’ve recently decided to allow businesses to use TalkShoe, the same as consumers.”
And the cost for business to use the interactive podcast service? Nada, zip, zero. You get hosting, bandwidth, recording, an archive, podcast and RSS feeds of your company talk show.
Your business audience can phone in using Skype, mobile, or regular phone line. Hundreds of people can participate in the call. Thousands more can listen. It can be a public or private call. You even have the option of recording the whole thing at the click of a button.
Interactive Podcasting ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ts
Going Back to a “Different” Kind of School
Fall is coming, and its time again for James Martell’s Affiliate Marketers BootCamp. Except this time, he’s doing it a little differently.
Instead of having to fly to his hometown, for short intensive training, James is opting for online training this time. Starting September 19th, students get 10 lessons with video and real-time audio. And yes, the lessons are recorded, so you don’t have to worry if you miss one.
This style of teaching reduces the learning curve, and will help you become profitable sooner than expected. You see, James not only teaches affiliate marketing, he does it full time for a living. He’s one of the few, who truly practices what he preaches.
So if you prefer “hands on” training in an interactive environment, instead of wading through volumes of text, James Martell’s Affiliate Marketers BootCamp may be just the thing you need.
Affiliate BootCamp ==> http://www.cdzn.com/amb
A New Angle for Local Search
Want to impress me? Then tell me… what are your GPS coordinates? That’s the kind of information that I’d like to see on your contact us, or how to find us page.
Having driven across Canada and round USA, I can tell you that a GPS unit is a sanity saver. It prevents a car full of experts – all of whom have an opinion on the fastest route – from arguing. You just switch it on and let it take you there.
Case in point, I know my own city very well. I’ve driven these roads for over 30 years. Humph… I know better than any dumb computer.
But just out of curiosity, I let the GPS guide me, to my sister’s house in the country. Usually it takes well over an hour. The GPS made it in 48 minutes. I discovered streets that I never knew existed.
With more and more drivers using GPS, even in their own cities, don’t make them work to find you. Yes, provide a dirt world address on your web site (it will help people find you in the search engines if you do).
But don’t make me enter that big long address into my GPS unit. Just give me your coordinates, and I’ll be right down.
Learn CSS the Fast and Easy Way
What happens when a doctor of education writes an ebook? You get clear, concise, easy to follow directions.
Dr. Andy Williams has produced a complete CSS course. It takes an absolute beginner from the basics of CSS to advanced layouts, in just a few lessons.
If you are unfamiliar with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), they are the new standard way to format web pages. With HTML, you had to modify each design element of each page individually. If you wanted to change the look of your site, it could take hours, or even days. With CSS, it only takes a few seconds.
With CSS, your pages will load faster, look better, be easier to modify, faster to change layouts, and be free of those pesky HTML tables. Best of all, you can get this get this handy reference guide, for less than the cost of a pizza.
Get the CSS Course ==> http://www.cdzn.com/css
Make 25K Dollars More than You Did Last Year
Starting next month, it’s time again for Perry Marshall’s Bobsled Run. It’s his personal one on one PPC coaching.
Not everyone is accepted, but if you qualify, you’ll slide down the same wild ride that only his graduates have experienced. Yes… the sales letter clangs of outlandish claims. But it’s not. Every story is true and verifiable.
Ponder this for a moment, Perry said, “If you’re accepted as a team member in my Bobsled Run, and if you complete the homework assignments, you’ll recoup your tuition by December, and you will make at least 25,000 dollars more next year, than you would have without my help.”
Are you tired of playing the SEO game. Would rather have the consistent, predictable traffic that only PPC can bring? Then let Perry take you for a wild ride in the Bobsled. You’ll be glad you did.
Ready for a Bobsled Run? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/pmc
Finding Affiliate Programs for Back End Sales
Thanks to your ebook Clickin’ it Rich, I’m writing my own wonderful “How-To” ebook! Yet, a question arises on how to find the proper affiliate programs, to weave in and out of my ebook. I have spent hours going through Clickbank, trying to find the right programs… is this what it takes? Thanks again Michael for everything!
Answer: Clickbank.com is great for instant downloads like ebooks and software, but there’s plenty of public and private affiliate programs out there to choose from.
Usually, I stay away from the big affiliate networks like LinkShare.com and CJ.com. I don’t like waiting four to six months to get paid. But it’s just a personal thing. You might enjoy working with them.
I prefer the smaller networks like: RegNow.com for software. Kolimbo.com for all sorts of goods. Clickbank.com for ebooks. And there’s plenty of private affiliate programs that are industry specific, such as allposters.com and musiciansfriend.com.
The best way to find private affiliate programs, is to search for your keywords and the word affiliate program in quotes. So in other words, load your favorite search engine and type: Your Keyword Phrase “affiliate program” and usually you’ll find several to choose from.
And finally, don’t forget the CPA affiliate programs, like primaryads.com, filinet.com, revenueloop.com and others, if they fit your business model. I hope this gives you at least a few new places to look. And good luck with your ebook.
The Fastest Way to Get Links
Question: What’s the fastest way to get links? Google said that any page, without at least one incoming link, is considered spam. So where do I get links in a hurry?
Answer: From your blog, or any web page that you own. From someone else’s blog, an article submission, a press release, or a directory like Yahoo, or Starting Point.
It doesn’t really matter where the links come from. But it’s the quality of the link that has the most impact. The more PR (PageRank) and link popularity that a page has, the more of its “juice” that it will pass on to you.
For example, the “real” purpose of my blog, is to get deep incoming links to my main site. I post just a portion of an article on my blog, and then I deep link to the full story on my site. That way, all stories on my main site, have at least one incoming link.
In addition to the PR of the page hosting the link, what you say in the link is very important. Use your keywords in your links. They will build a Reputation for the pages that you link to. And that’s important for good SEO.
But if you don’t want to start your own blog, for incoming links, you can use a service like Duncan Carver’s Authority Site X, or Mike Liebner’s Article Underground, both of which include blogs, and provide incoming links.
Authority Site X ==> http://www.cdzn.com/asx
Article Underground ==>http://www.cdzn.com/au
Each page that you create, generates more PageRank for your site. Sweet Google juice that you can aim however you want.
Remember… pages create PageRank, links distribute it. My tests show that 100 words, four or five short paragraphs, are enough to be considered a page worth spidering.
So blog often, and link the blog entries to the most important pages on your main site. That way, you’ll be spreading around that sweet Google juice, to the pages that need it the most.
The Vault of Internet Marketing Secrets
I’ve given private coaching sessions to hundreds of people over the past few years. They’ve all said the same thing about private membership sites… their personal needs go unfulfilled.
Don’t get me wrong, the private sites have been pouring on the content. Heck there’s dozens of new videos, tutorials and workshops almost daily… but who has the time to watch them all? It’s like trying to drink from a fire hose.
Just recently I did a 30 minute session with a new client, that spent over 5,000 dollars in membership fees, in less than nine months. Yet her site had some fundamental marketing mistakes, in focus, design, and persuasion.
Once those mistakes were fixed, her sales tripled and she had to get a new warehouse, to stock the sudden demand for inventory. But no one, in her time as a private member, had taken the time to help her… or to be fair, perhaps they didn’t know how, or didn’t have the marketing expertise.
Sometimes, all you really need, is a mentor to take 10 minutes of their time, and review your business model, concept, idea, or web site. Someone to offer solutions at the precise moment that you need them, through participation and with authenticity. Not with hype or spin.
That said…. I’ve been giving serious consideration to “semi-retiring” this newsletter and starting a private site, with memberships going for around 200 dollars a month. But I plan on offering what no other private site can…
Providing value. Being of service. And looking after your personal needs. Here’s what I envision…
I take the first 20 questions that I get each day, and answer them with audio… my own voice. Reason being, I can talk a lot faster than I can type. It will be off the top of my head. And everyone gets their burning questions answered.
It would be a – Monday to Thursday – 30 to 45 minute audio program. But each FAQ would get archived individually, into categories with tags, so you could research the old shows, to find answers to questions.
Then every Friday, there’s a one hour call-in radio show, where we open the phone lines on any topic. You can ask me anything you want on SEO, PPC, marketing, whatever you like. And I’ll do my best to give you an answer. I’ll also have special guests from time to time, each experts in their field.
Other goodies include a lifeline… meaning that, if you’re stuck and have an urgent situation, you get a 10 minute phone call from me, to bail you out. Then after you’ve been a member for three months, you get a private web site review.
After six months, even more goodies like, “The Greatest Linking Secret Ever Told.” Plus I’ll be adding audio and video tutorials as I create them.
Anyways… that’s what I’m thinking right now. So what do you think? I’d appreciate your feedback.
Click over to the Notification page and subscribe. If there are at least 50 people seriously interested, I’ll do it. I’ll set up the private site, which should take about three weeks.
But I’ll limit it, to about 200 members. Otherwise I won’t be able to give personal service. And that’s what this private site is all about…
Giving honest value to you. Great content. To deliver solutions when you need them, without any hype or spin.
It’ll be like picking up the phone, and talking to your best buddy, who just happens to have over 30 years of marketing experience, in audio, video, print, and the internet.
Ready? ==> http://www.internetmarketingsecrets.com/vault/
Let me know if I can count you in. Your success will become my mission and my focus. I’ll be there for you, with solutions to your marketing challenges, with help and advice, when and where you need it the most.
If you’re willing to be a protege, I’m here to be a mentor.
If you want success, or more than you have right now, and you’re willing to learn, and you’re willing to put in the work it takes… then I welcome you into my private membership… The “Vault” of Internet Marketing Secrets.
Vault ==> http://www.internetmarketingsecrets.com/vault/
Legal stuff…
Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.
The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.
Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.
Michael Campbell

Did you like this newsletter? Now you can get the same ideas the pro’s use, including tips, tricks and sneaky strategies, when you subscribe to Michael Campbell’s Internet Marketing Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe now and get two of Michael’s best-selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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