‘What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 3 of 4’- Charlie Page’s Latest Article
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article titled “What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 3 of 4” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article is reprinted here.
What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 3 of 4
This week we continue our multi-part series on real world ways to get traffic to your site.
There are basically two ways to get traffic.
1. Free methods that take a long time to work. 2. Paid methods that work fast.
In the last issue, we looked at ezine advertising and pay per click.
This week we look at how to maximize your investment with these powerful methods.
Email marketing is without any doubt THE most powerful form of paid advertising online.
What most people miss is that there are many ways to accomplish email marketing for their site.
Just look at these ways in which email marketing can help you sell more online.
* Ezine advertising – ads are sent via email * Joint ventures – Basically an ad to a private list * Rented lists – Again, and ad to a list you rent * Autoresponders – all follow up systems use email * Ezine publishing – ezines are delivered via email * Blog post announcements – usually delivered via email
If you are not using email in your marketing now, let me offer these tips on how you can start using it today.
1. Create a follow up system for your site.
The BEST selling sites online convert about 10% of visitors to buyers on the first visit. This leaves us with one all-important question …
What happens to the other 90%?
Basically, one of two things happens to visitors who come to your site but don’t buy the first time.
1. They forget about you, never to return. 2. They do return and buy what you sell.
How can you make sure that your site falls into the second group, the group that makes sales?
You *remind* them to return via email.
In my years online I’ve found that there are about five core principles that work every time. And I do mean every time.
One of those truths is this … if your site does not follow up via email, you ARE losing sales and money.
No doubt about it.
Happily, you can fix that and fix it today. Use this link to discover how easy it is to create a follow up system today (not next week or month but today!)
Joint ventures used to mean an arrangement between two people where they both did about half the work and split the profits. Ideally, they had complimentary skills such as one being a programmer and the other a marketer.
Today, the term ‘Joint Venture’ has devolved into a situation where one person has a mailing list and the other wants to sell their product and will pay a very high commission.
And that’s okay.
So how do YOU profit from joint ventures? Here’s my short list of things to do – and things to avoid – when it comes to joint ventures.
Remember, these are guidelines based on what I have seen work, not hard and fast rules.
Use this list and, over time, it will help make you more profits than you can imagine.
Do …
* Create a list of joint venture partners you want. * Send an email introducing yourself and asking if they are interested in a JV at some point. * Tell them what’s in it for them. * Keep your emails to them short. * Create a web page where they can learn more. * Get interested JV partners to join a list of JV announcements. * Make more than one offer. Not every offer is right for every partner, but time can become your ally if you are persistent. * Post your JV offer to forums that allow such posts. * Be creative. Not everyone is motivated by money only. * Use the phone. Limit yourself to email and you won’t get as many JVs as if you email *and* call. * Give partners lots of lead time. Nothing is worse than getting a great JV offer that has to be done tomorrow. * Provide partners with ready-made marketing tools like ‘copy and paste’ emails, banners, and more.
Do Not …
* Approach people to joint venture with you on products that they can become an affiliate for themselves. * Buy someone’s product thinking that doing so will obligate them to JV with you. * Send very long emails with a sales pitch. * Send too many emails and waste their time. * Offer anything less than 50% commission. * Spam your JV offer … ever. * Quit – Never quit trying. JVs work and can work for you no matter what. * Think that you can’t get a JV because you don’t have a big name. Everyone starts somewhere. You can do this.
The keys to success with Joint Ventures are to be creative, generous, and persistent.
Find the right JV partners with the right offer at the right time and watch as very good things happen, all without you having to spend a dime!
In the next issue we’ll cover the last two ways to get paid traffic to your site, teleseminars (yes, they can work for you!) and creating a powerful affiliate program.
Until then, apply these words from Winston Churchill to your marketing.
“The nose of the bulldog is slanted backwards so he can breathe without letting go”
In other words, when it comes to YOUR success online … never give up – never surrender your dream!
About the Author
Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet businesses. Visit Charlie at http://www.RealWorldTactics.com
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Real World Tactics eZine
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charlie Page for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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