‘What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 4 of 4’- Charlie Page’s Latest Article
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article titled “What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 4 of 4” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article is reprinted here.
What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 4 of 4
This week we complete our multi-part series on real world ways to get traffic to your site.
There are basically two ways to get traffic.
1. Free methods that take a long time to work. 2. Paid methods that work fast.
This week we look at two final ways to get very responsive traffic – also known as people who are VERY interested in your offer – to any website you promote.
Here now are the final two entries in our ‘how to get traffic’ series.
Teleseminars might just be the perfect way to market online. That’s a bold statement, so let me back it up.
Teleseminars offer these benefits over any other form of marketing.
NOTE: There have been books and courses written about the benefits of marketing with teleseminars, so I’ll just cover my personal top four reasons.
1. Teleseminars are personal. When people listen to your teleseminar they are hearing both the information you want to convey as well as what you believe about that information. They get to hear your soul as well as your mind.
2. Teleseminars are easy to consume. Finding time to read a book can be hard. Finding time to listen is easy. Listening can be done at the gym, in the car, or while doing almost any other activity.
3. Teleseminars are entertaining. Sound is powerful, and adding music or other sounds to a teleseminar is easy and makes your teleseminar stand out.
4. Teleseminars allow you to say more. No pun intended. While people find it hard to read a 5000 word sales letter, they will think nothing of listening for an hour if the material is interesting and informative.
So, how can *you* profit from teleseminars? Here are two ideas to get you started.
Idea 1 – Interview and expert and sell the audio. You can sell seats to the live teleseminar, the audio after the teleseminar, or both!
Idea 2 – Sell an existing teleseminar. Find a teleseminar with resale rights and create a product from that audio.
HINT: Want to find teleseminars with resale rights easily? Type this into Google (including the quotes).
teleseminar + “resale rights”
Idea 3 – Create a teleseminar that highlights your product. This doesn’t need to be a pitch-fest, but rather a verbal form of your best case for why your product helps people.
No matter how you do it, marketing with teleseminars (or even marketing teleseminars themselves!) is fun and very profitable.
The KING of teleseminars is Alex Mandossian. Find his information and devour every word. http://teleseminarsecrets.com
Want to sell more products than ever before and NEVER pay a dime for advertising?
If that sounds too good to be true, it’s not.
By developing an army of active affiliates, you are paying in commissions what you would have paid in ads, but – and get this because it’s powerful – you only pay AFTER the sale is made!
Sharing how to run a great affiliate program would fill a book, so I’ll share here my top three tips to help you maximize profits with affiliates.
Tip 1 – Make your program easy to join. Your terms should be clear, your links easy to use, and your affiliate center easy to access. Be sure there is a ‘lost password’ function too so you don’t have to answer tons of “I lost my password” emails.
Tip 2 – Be accessible. Most affiliates will not have questions. But when affiliates need help, help them. After all, they are making money for you!
Tip 3 – Provide tools. Make sure your affiliate center includes ads, links, banners, and more to help affiliates sell the way that’s most comfortable for them.
While there is no such thing as great free advertising, if you look at affiliate commissions as the expense you choose instead of buying ads, it can be a wildly profitable venture.
I hope these tips help you achieve your goals and dreams online.
About the Author
Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet businesses. Visit Charlie at http://www.RealWorldTactics.com
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charlie Page for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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