Len Thurmond’s ‘SEO Blog’ article is titled “Ya Gotta Write”. [Blog Article]

Len Thurmond’s ‘SEO Blog’ article titled “Ya Gotta Write!” is reprinted here.

Ya Gotta Write!

It was the evening of his life.

He had just turned 65 and retired. It wasn’t exactly his idea, but he was OK with that. He’d had a good run at life.

Joe had been an insurance man the whole of his adult life.

He’d dropped out of college when Martha had Joe Jr. and had taken the first job he could find.

As it turned out, he was good at it and after a while he even learned to enjoy it.

Joe had worked hard to give his family a good life.

He’d put 2 kids through college and paid off the house…three times!

But now, the kids had moved away seeking lives of their own, and it was just him and Martha.

He was looking forward to enjoying the rest of his life.

He’d earned it and he was determined to make his sunset one to remember.

He’d managed to save a little money and they would get by, he would figure out something, but right now he was just gonna enjoy his freedom.

He swore he would never wear another tie as long as he lived. Wouldn’t even let them bury him in one!

Now it was a year later.

Money was getting tight and Joe was getting bored.

The other day, he’d found himself sitting in front of the TV watching soaps. That was the last straw. Retirement just wasn’t what he had hoped it would be.

Something had to change before he snapped.

And then one day on the golf course, Fred was talking about the Internet.

“The whole world’s goin’ Internet, Joe”, he explained after his third shot from the bunker on the 15th. “There’s fortunes to be made for anyone who has the time”.

Fred was kind of a know-it-all and could be right irritatin’ at times, but he did get Joe to thinking.

“Well, I’ve got a computer”,he thought.

“I don’t know squat about the World Wide Web, but Martha got that new computer and an internet connection so she could keep in touch with the kids through their email.

And I can type, sorta,

And I’m intelligent, sorta.

Maybe I should check this thing out. It’s gotta be more entertaining than The Young And The Restless”.

So Joe went home, sat in front of that console, strapped himself into the cockpit, set the coordinates, pushed the button and blasted off into cyberspace.

‘The Final Frontier’.

“Beam me up Scottie, There’s no intelligent life down here”.

Almost immediately, he was hooked.

He’d been dragged into the future, kickin’ and screamin’ all the way, but now that he was here, he loved it!

He felt like Captain Kirk.

“I’ll take over Sulu”, he thought as he punched that search button at the top of the console, and whole worlds opened up before him.

“I need more power Scottie”.

“I’m givin’ ya all she’s got Captain, if ya push her any harder she’ll break up”!

Every thing he ever wanted to know about…everything, was right at his fingertips.

“This is GREAT” exclaimed Joe, “but how do you make money at it”?

Fred had told him to search for business opportunities, so he started typing in keywords.

Business Opportunities, Marketing, Affiliate Programs,…

“My god, There’s hundreds of thousands of them”, he cried, “where do you start”?He kept reading about Newsletters and ‘E-Books’ every where he turned, so he decided that he’d read a couple of them and see where that got him.

And after a lot of time and a lot of reading , he started to see a pattern.

There where literally thousands of programs out there designed to make you money (or get your money), but the people that were really making the money, were the ones that were telling you how!

“The Internet is The Information Highway”, he thought, “so it stands to reason that the best utilization of this Internet phenomenon is to create and sell information that people need”.

So Joe put his thinkin’ on cap and started cogitatin’.

“What do I know that others would be willing to pay to find out”, he thought.

“I was an insurance salesman for most of my life and I know, NO ONE wants to hear about that”.

“After all”, he realized, “for the most part, insurance is just a government sanctioned scam.

You can’t go into business without it, can’t drive without it, and if you have to use it, they take it away from you, or at the very least, make you pay higher premiums cause you’re a risk!

Nope, that won’t work.”

And then it dawned on him.

He’d been a successful salesman his whole life!

It didn’t matter that it was Insurance. It was STILL sales.

And in order to succeed at any business, you had to be able to sell your product … Whatever it was!

So Joe started typing, in that hunt and peck style that he used. But the more he typed, the less he had to hunt and before long his fingers were smokin’!

“Build a trust between you and your clients. Credibility and trust are the two most important keys to business success”.

“Never over-hype your product, they’ll see right through you and your credibility will be gone forever”!

“Show people how your product will benefit them, how their very lives would be enriched by utilizing what you have to offer.

“Give them examples of how it has helped others”.

“Be ready for their objections and hesitations and deal with them with straight forward honesty”.

“Don’t try to sell your products to people who don’t need it”.

“Believe in yourself and your business and above all, HAVE FUN WITH IT. If you can’t enjoy it, GET OUT! Life is way too short”.

Joe was typing like a madman. You could almost see the smoke comin’ out of his ears.

And before he knew it, he’d written a book!

It was a little rough, but he’d done it. And even more importantly, he’d enjoyed it.

He’d always been good with words (He’d had to be in his line of business) so, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that he could write, too.

He decided to submit an article to a couple of online newsletters to see what others thought.

And to his surprise … They loved it!

And he suddenly realized that the key to being a good writer, was just being yourself. Some people will love ya for who you are, and some won’t. But if you try to be something you’re not, they’ll ALL see right through you.

And he realized that if he wrote for those who DID like him for who he was, he’d end up with a very loyal following that trusted him! And as long as he never broke that trust, he would have a following that would be happy to pay to hear what he had to say, over and over again!

So he wrote from his heart with conviction and passion and before he knew it, he was being published all over the world.

People just couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

He started his own blog and posted his thoughts and experiences weekly, but he never stopped writing articles for other publications and directories.He fine tuned his book and made it available to the masses. And before he knew it …


And now he sits on the beaches of the world with his ‘laptop’ and gets his inspiration from the ocean, while Martha and the grandkids play in the waves.

And the moral of the story?

Playing golf can change your life! (Nah, Just kidding.)

Everyone has a book in them … Something they’ve learned from life through their own unique perspective, that the world needs to hear.

But here’s a secret … The key to writing well is reading. And you need to read a lot.

Reading gives you ideas and allows you to be more creative in your own writing.

Remember, there hasn’t been an original thought written in thousands of years. Just new ways of expressing them.

So Read, then …

Write from the heart.

Write with conviction.

Write about something important to you, ’cause

If you want to be successful in cyberspace,

Ya Gotta Write!

Here’s to YOUR success,
Len Thurmond

Len Thurmond

Len Thurmond has been marketing on the Internet since 1995, and is one of the best known authors and newsletter publishers in the Internet World Today.

And to facilitate that process, Len has developed a number of widely used and important Software products such as Amazing Site Builder, Traffic on Steroids, Article Automator, and Auto-Blogger, designed to automate the process of making these Content rich Sites more profitable, and give them more longevity.

His latest release, My Affiliate Store, has taken the Net by Storm, and promises to be one of the biggest releases of the year. This incredible new eCommerce Store Creation System is allowing thousands to finally make some REAL money on the Internet, and build businesses that will last a Lifetime!

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Len Thurmond for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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