Harris Fellman says, “If you donate $55 to IM Against Poverty site today, you’ll be given over $1200 in real products”. [IM Against Poverty]

Harris Fellman says that those who donate $55 for ‘IM Against Poverty’ will get $1200 worth products in return.

Turn $55 into $1200 Right Now

Harris Fellman says, “If you donate $55 to IM Against Poverty site today, you’ll be given over $1200 in real products.


These are valuable products that the contributors sell all day long on their sites – not just some run of the mill giveaway product.

Yesterday I focused on the charity itself — and that’s what this is still all about. But let’s cut to the chase — when you donate $55, you’ll get more than a thousand dollars worth of stuff instantly.


This will only be up until Sunday”.

PayPal has been added as a payment option, according to Harris.

[email with the subject: turn $55 into $1200 right now]
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