Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “What’s With All The Guru Bashing?”. [Newsletter]

Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.


What’s With All The Guru Bashing?

Its getting seriously out of hand out there. I’m sure you’ve seen it. Sales letters are popping up on Web pages all over the place, declaring that the so-called “gurus” have all mislead you and taken you to the cleaners with no care about your well-being.

This nonsense is now appearing so routinely that I have to declare it a trend. And it’s a nasty trend, indeed. One that could seriously hurt you.

Oddly enough, most of the people I now see using these tactics weren’t involved in this business just a year or two ago. They’re mostly newcomers without much solid experience beyond, possibly, a one-time “hit” that did well.

And — a huge portion of these people come onto the scene proclaiming that all gurus are a waste of your money and time because THEY have the “answer” you REALLY need.

I know as well as you do that it’s all hype. Sure — there are some self-proclaimed gurus who do seem more intent on getting the fast bucks any way they can than helping their clients actually succeed with anything they sell. But, surely, we also understand there are a vast array of experts … bonafide died-in-the-wool gurus who seriously know what they’re doing and who are dedicated to emparting their years of wisdom and experience, so their clients and customers truly benefit.

Face it — most of the newcomers on the scene currently slamming “gurus” turned to those same gurus they now deride, to learn what they needed to know to experience the success they’ve seen. Still, like a rabid dog biting the hand that feeds it, they pay these experts back with baseless, generalized viscious attacks, and do so with an apparent glee that sounds almost like they’re having fun doing it.

I know why they’ve chosen to take this route. It’s insecurity. They know they haven’t been working in the industry very long. They know they’re one-hit wonders or — worse — no-hit wonders. They realize there is no way to “catch up” to someone who has been successfully doing what they hope to do for many years before they ever woke up to the possibilities and got started themselves.

In short, they know they are at a huge disadvantage when their real-world experience and knowledge are pitted directly against someone who has been making huge strides in this industry for years before them. So — they attack, instead. They misdirect you into thinking that, because one guru may be bad, anyone who has been at this longer than a few years is now completely insensitive to your needs and only in it for the cash.

It’s ridiculous to assume everyone who has been doing anything a specific length of time is somehow tainted, no longer of value. Especially in a landscape so rapidly-changing as the Internet.

What ever happened to reality-based marketing? Sure — I can parade my 23+ years of experience in Internet marketing and publishing around on my sleeve … and I do so every chance I get, because it is, indeed, a decided advantage that no one else can ever catch up to, until my days in this industry are done. But, while my years of experience and knowledge trump ANY newcomer’s hands-down, newcomers have advantages of their own that I can’t possibly compete with.

Think about it. When you’re just starting out, it’s most likely just you running your business. You’re it. Telephone and E-mail support, sales — the whole nine yards. Because you’re new and have a relatively small customer list, compared to mine, you can broadcast the fact that people can call your office and actually reach you and talk to you personally — or receive E-mailed replies from you directly. I can’t compete with that. I have too many clients and customers to ever respond to everyone personally. I have to rely on my staff to help me out with that.

My staff is great — but they’re still not me.

This is a REAL advantage every new business owner starts out with from day one. Yet, few ever capitalize on it.

It’s as if newcomers to this industry are afraid to reveal the fact that they’re new. They don’t want to admit they just got started by playing up the very advantages their new entry into this industry gives them, so they berate and malign the experts who have gone before them — many of whome they most likely learned from themselves — as a diversionary tactic.

How about also playing up the fact that, because you’re new, you have a DIFFERENT perspective than someone who has been marketing online for years and years?

As I said — the Internet is an ever-changing landscape. I do all I can to keep up and stay on top of the latest marketing tools and breakthroughs that happen all the time … but, someone who is new is looking at the industry with a fresh set of eyes. They’re not afraid to try something we gurus have declared won’t work years ago and, if they succeed, create their own breakthroughs.

Someone new to this industry is, statistically speaking, more apt to come up with a brilliant new breakthrough than someone like me who has been doing all this so long I have become more set in my ways than I would ever care to admit publicly. Except — I just did admit it.

I also don’t mind admitting to you that most of the breakthroughs I’ve “discovered” over the past five or six years came from relative newcomers to the scene, or from applying the tried-and-true principles that I know work every time to a new breakthrough some newcomer created.

As you move forward in the Internet marketing arena, I implore you to capitalize on your strengths and play down your weaknesses, just like we all do. Realize that tearing down your apparent competitors rarely works in the eyes of the consumer. They know what you’re doing and why.

Instead, tell them what you’re doing. Focus on your story, including what you were doing before you got into the business, how you got into it, what you’ve learned since you did. You’re a lot more like your customers than the “gurus” can ever be because you WERE one of them just a few short months or even weeks ago. The experience is still fresh in their minds — much fresher than in my own. Develop breakthroughs and celebrate the “new eyes” with which you’re scanning the Internet landscape. Realize that every trait, every year of experience, every new development has its advantages AND disadvantages.

In short — tell it like it is. The market is getting extremely weary of hype and they know you’re using it when you try to tell them every “guru” in the world is somehow out to rob them blind or simply a non-caring money-grubber. That simply isn’t the case and you know it.

Remember that there are scumbag newbies hitting the Internet “streets” all the time, too. The length of time that one has been marketing online has nothing to do with that.

However, when you tell me you’re you’re better than me simply because I’ve been at this longer and, therefore, by association, must somehow be a rip-off artist, and all I and most of your prospects can do is laugh at your conclusion — and move away from you quickly.

Instead, tell us why YOU are THE newcomer of the year, worthy of being listened to. Then, deliver information and products that over-deliver on all your promises — and we will ALL buy what you have to sell.

We might even ask you to work with us!

That’s what I did with Jeff Wark and Lori Steffen. These two dynamos (referred to as “The Dynamic Duo of Content Creation”) have joined forces with me to launch what I believe will become a revolutionary force in the world of information publishing and marketing. It’s an exclusive community we’ve formed called The Franklin Guild.

When you join my revolutionary new Franklin Guild, you’ll receive four CDs or DVDs from my original E-Publishing Business System course each month, revised and updated, plus a minimum of one live Webinar/Teleseminar each month. You’ll also receive access to a special membership site where all the members can swap ideas and resources, joint venture and comment on each others’ work, while the faculty (consisting of Wark, Steffen and myself, assisted by a number of additional guest faculty and V.I.P. alumni students from my previous course) guides you through the process of creating an E-book, launching an E-zine or blog, and creating content with ease and amazing speed — without writing a single word, if writing isn’t your forte’.

The Franklin Guild officially opens October 1, 2007. Right now, you can join for only $1, and you’ll receive two bonus Webinar/Teleconference sessions, three free months of my Ticket to Wealth Gold membership club, Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography — and the opportunity to invite other members, during your 30-day $1 trail.

After the first 30 days, continuing membership is just $97 per month. Membership is by invitation only — and only members can invite members. The $1 30-day trial allows you plenty of time to bring in some members and earn 50% commissions on their monthly fees. Bring in just two paying members and your membership is paid for. Bring in more than two members and you’re making money, month after month, while you grow within the community.

We announced this special launch on a Webinar/Teleseminar that we held on August 30, 2007. During that call, we went over why I proclaimed that “Web 2.0 is CRAP!” and then Jeff, Lori and I divulged the REAL reasons behind my brash-sounding statement.

My gift to you this week, then, is access to the recording of that call, in case you missed it. Consider this my personal invitation to join The Franklin Guild now, while you can still join as a charter member, paying just $1 and agreeing to pay $97 per month, after 30 days. You’ll have all the benefits I’ve described, plus plenty of time to bring in at least two more members and cover your own monthly fees before they begin.

Just listen to the call here:

Then, visit the Franklin Guild’s Official blog, where you can read some of the comments that were posted during that call, see our replies, and post your own comments and questions.

It’s all about Web 2.0, despite the “crap!” factors I warn everyone about on our call. Your membership in The Franklin will set you up, literally, to info-publish your way to wealth the way Benjamin Franklin did 300 years ago — in TODAY’S dollars, through online publishing and marketing and, especially, through the new Web 2.0 phenomenon that is currently the rage. And anything else that pops up in the next few years.

This really will be a phenomenal group and we’ve put together the PERFECT system for us all to capitalize on the training and grow together. I sincerely hope you’ll decide to grow with us — whatever business you’re in or how long you’ve been marketing.

Listen to the call. Check out the blog. Then, when you’re ready — visit this link to read all about The Franklin Guild and get signed up while you can, for just $1. This offer really WILL expire September 30. And you never know when you’ll get another invitation to join. It’s also REALLY exclusive!

See you next week!

Alan R. Bechtold


BBS Press Service, Inc.

‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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