Larry Dotson has released private label rights to ‘Information Product Infantry’ report. According to Larry, the price of the PLR will double in 72 hours. [Special Report PLR]

Larry Dotson has released private label rights to ‘Information Product Infantry’ report.

Information Product Infantry Sales Letter

Information Product Infantry sales letter title:

“Grab The Private Label Rights
To This Killer Report!”

“WARNING: In 72 Hours The Price Will Double!”

The Table Of Contents

The sales letter has listed the table of contents of Information Product Infantry.

1. The “Author It” Tactic

2. The “Time Involved” Tactic

3. The “Turn The Page” Tactic

4. The “Chopped Up” Tactic

5. The “Mega” Tactic

6. The “Original Recipe” Tactic

7. The “Royalty” Tactic

8. The “Can’t Be Ignored” Tactic

9. The “I’ll Support You” Tactic

10. The “Sell It” Tactic

11. The “Complete Resource” Tactic

12. The “Choose It” Tactic

13. The “Real Life” Tactic

14. The “Trivia” Tactic

15. The “Bestseller” Tactic

16. The “Access Time” Tactic

17. The “Kid” Tactic

18. The “No Confusion” Tactic

19. The “Nowhere Else” Tactic

20. The “Free Refill” Tactic.


The price of Information Product Infantry is: $5

‘Information Product Infantry’ Link

Information Product Infantry Sales Letter

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