Yanik Silver has announced ‘Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box’ contest. “I’ll be picking the winner on September 24, 2007 from the entries on my blog”, says Yanik. [Contest]

Yanik Silver has announced ‘Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box’ contest.

Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box Registration Page

Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box contest registration page title:


“Attendees paid $15,000.00 for the information covered during the “Info Marketing Players” workshop and the “How to Sell High Priced Information Products & Services” workshop…but for 2 Winners will get it all FREE!”


Yanik says, “Here’s how the 2 winners will be chosen:

Winner #1 ““ If you are already successful at information marketing let me know your own before/after story. HOW you did it, WHAT you sold, the results, etc. and WHY you think this information will take you the next level.

Winner #2 ““ If you haven’t already started or are just dabbling selling information products let me know WHY you think selling information is the best business to be in, HOW you’ll use the information in the package and WHAT you’ll be doing with it.

I’ll be picking the winner on September 24, 2007 from the entries on my blog.”

How to Participate

Yanik says, “To enter the contest just sign up below and you’ll be taken straight to the blog where you can post your comments to enter the contest. Plus, you’ll you’ll be on the ‘first-in-line’ list to get early access when the Players Workshop & How to Sell High Priced Information Products workshop is available on September 25, 2007 at 12 PM, ET.”

[email with the subject: Want to win my new course before it goes on sale?]

‘Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box’ Contest Link

Ultimate A-to-Z Information Marketing Brain-in-a-Box Registration Page

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