Howie Schwartz is holding a ‘Sustainable Traffic Workshop’ for 12 people on November 2-3, in Connecticut. According to Howie, one of the topics covered in the workshop will be, “What steps You need to take to build a long-term business with Sustainable Traffic”. [Workshop]

Howie Schwartz is holding a ‘Sustainable Traffic Workshop’ for 12 people on November 2-3, in Connecticut.

Press Release

Personal Invite from Howie Schwartz

Back in July, twelve people had the opportunity to spend two full days with Howie Schwartz at a very “unique” workshop.

I wanted to send a personal invite to attend a private workshop at my home in Connecticut on November 2 & 3.

You can see photos and watch videos from the July event here:

I have space to personally train 12 people (we sold out almost immediately in July). No, this is not a pajama party, there are hotels 5 minutes away. Its easy to get to, about 90 minutes from the major New York airports.

Since you have heard me speak on many teleseminars (OutsoureCode, LeadSupreme, Web2Secrets) and maybe even attended one of the events that Dr. Mike and I have organized (Adsense Immersion, Traffic Tactics) – I will not bore you with more text then is needed for you to make your own decision on if it is worth your time to travel to my home.

THIS is what we will be spending two days together on:

– What steps YOU need to take to build a long-term business with Sustainable Traffic.

– This isn’t about some ‘fad’ or ‘tool’ (though I will be giving you exclusive access to some of my private tools that I typically do not speak about or share).

– It is about NOT running from program to program and course to course, never really tasting any success because you know you are focusing on the wrong things.

– We will focus on YOUR individual strengths and weaknesses and develop the blueprint for the type of online business that you really want to run (something that lasts and scales).

– We will rip apart every “vertical” that you can DOMINATE your niche in (make Google Universal Search your best friend)

– PRIVATE access to the exclusive tools that I use to build my own business (you will sign a Non Disclosure Agreement, as these tools are NOT publicly available)

– And lastly, we will put this blueprint into action by detailing out step by step what you need to start doing TODAY to build real traffic (without traffic there is no business)

– JUST ADDED: For 3 months after the workshop, Howie will host a private call with the workshop group once every 4 weeks (3 calls total).

I look forward to seeing you at my home in November!

Sustainable Traffic Workshop

*This news was submitted by Howie Schwartz.

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