Nancy Andrews’ Giant Slayer: An Official Theme Zoom Review
Russell Wright has released “Nancy Andrews’ Giant Slayer: An Official Theme Zoom Review” free report. [Giant Slayer Review]
Russell Wright has released “Nancy Andrews’ Giant Slayer: An Official Theme Zoom Review” free report
Russell says, “Several of you have asked me for my official opinion of Giant Slayer. I released it to my members area a week or so ago pending editing.
Here is the link, in case you have not seen it yet:
– Russell Wright”.
[email with the subject: SUBJECT]Nancy Andrews’ Giant Slayer: An Official Theme Zoom Review

The report is in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. Download a Free Acrobat Reader
About ThemeZoom
ThemeZoom ThemeZoom is a powerful leading-edge product harnessing the strength of some of the newest most profound developments in Search Technology, E-commerce and Online Communication. It is a first of its kind. ThemeZoom integrates Market Intelligence, Keyword Research, Pay-Per-Click Research, Content Decision Making Processes, SEO (search engine optimization), and Website Architecture tools into a single control panel interface.
ThemeZoom comes with a library of professional training resources that help users understand and implement the broad, powerful features of the tool. Users are educated and guided through the intricacies of Search Engine Marketing and how to best utilize the wealth of data provided by ThemeZoom.
ThemeZoom is revolutionary and unique because it generates massive targeted keyword lists based on Search Engine Proven Synonyms (SEPS), which are not derived from the Thesaurus but through Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), an newly emerging technology that allows for an unprecedented depth of market research.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Russell Wright for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Theme Zoom’ newsletter.
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