Iszuddin Ismail has launched ‘Optin Design’. “ offers a different kind of squeeze page templates”, says Iszuddin. [Product Launch]

Iszuddin Ismail has launched ‘Optin Design’.

Optin Design Registration Page

‘Optin Design’ registration page title:

“ – A New Breed Of Squeeze Page Templates”

Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the features and benefits of PRODUCT.

Iszuddin says, “ offers a different kind of squeeze page templates (come and see for yourself). Most squeeze page templates that I see being offered on the Internet are too ugly or too cheesy (trying too hard to look good).

Some people say that you need ugly squeeze pages for higher opt-in rates. But cheesy most of the times also means “scammy”. And I hate that in squeeze pages.

So I designed some new squeeze page templates, applying the hip look of Web2.0. And I even tested them to make sure they perform well. And indeed they do.

Two free squeeze page templates are being offered at” [PR Submitted to IMNewswatch]

‘Optin Design’ Link

Optin Design Registration Page

* This news post contains information submitted by Iszuddin Ismail.

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