‘It Builds… IF You Build It’- ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “It Builds… IF You Build It”. [Newsletter]
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.
It Builds… IF You Build It
Chances are good you’re already doing the right things to succeed in your dream of owning your own business. Or, you already know the right things to do. If you’re not seeing the success you want yet, it might be because you simply haven’t been doing what is needed LONG ENOUGH.
I see this all too often and I felt an urgent need to bring it to your attention. This is directly related to some of my past ramblings here … but it’s a different approach you deserve to hear.
I’ve been at this online marketing and publishing business a LONG time now. Longer than anyone else on earth. Throughout all my 23+ years, I’ve seen two consistent, sure-fire “success killers” literally guaranteed to bring your climb to success to a screeching halt.
First, the biggest problem: never getting started. This is the ultimate business killer. The big doorstop on the way to success. If it doesn’t stop the door to success from opening, it’ll trip you up when you try to go through.
Far too many people concern themselves with learning “everything there is to know” before they actually get going building a business.
Consider this: I’m still learning “everything there is to know” and I’m 24 years into my business. I might be a slow learner. I know I’m slower than some people. Still, what makes you think you’ll ever be able to learn everything you need to know in less than 10 or 12 years?
To make things even worse, the online world is changing so quickly there will be another 10-12 years of learning waiting for you when you get done learning all that’s gone before.
It’s like that hallway scene in The Shining. The end — your goal — keeps moving AWAY from you. The faster you run, the faster it moves.
In this case, your goal has become “learning all there is to know,” NOT “success!”
Learn what you NEED to know to get going. Find ONE THING you feel comfortable doing and DO IT. Treat it like you do new software. Do you read the manual front-to-back, trying to master EVERY aspect of a new program? Or — do you simply dive in, look around and REFER to the manual, as needed?
I’ve already covered this problem, in many issues of the E-Wealth Reportbefore.
The second problem is far more insidious. It can affect beginners and seasoned pros equally. When it hits a seasoned pro, the effects can be even more devastating. Sadly, it’s often totally undetected until it’s far too late and too much damage has already been done.
Simply put, problem number two is not doing what you’re doing long enough to see REAL results.
How many business-building tactics and tricks have you learned that you tried … once or maybe twice? How many times, after they didn’t deliver the results you were hoping for, did you move on to something else?
And — how long was it before you decided the results weren’t what you were hoping for?
Be honest. I suffer from this same affliction. I want everything I do to be quick. I want to learn it fast, set it up quickly and see results that surprise me with their quantity and quality. I don’t know why. I should know better by now. Still, I want to see instant or nearly-immediate results from my labor.
Maybe it’s human nature. Whatever it is, stop beating yourself up for thinking that way and stop thinking that way now.
Realize, from this day forward, that all great things take TIME.
Yes — I’ve written about this powerful element in the business-builder’s toolbox before, too. It takes time and energy to create something worthwhile. It’s always been that way and always will remain so.
But — it also takes time for others to notice what you’re doing and for results from what you’ve built to start kicking in.
Sadly, most of us give up well before the results are where they COULD be.
The best example that comes to mind immediately is blogging. After building your business online any length of time, you learn quickly that a blog is required to start building traffic and to start connecting with prospects, convincing them that they should be customers.
Most people I know launch a blog and post to it regularly — then skip a few days or weeks — then post a couple more times. Then they stop.
The same goes for podcasts, newsletters — you name it.
But, there are loads of people who are marketing online to this day, generating loads of money from E-books, teleseminars and courses. These are all the “old-school” Internet marketing tools everybody today is proclaiming “dead.” But, these people seem to defy all the odds, still generating literally millions and millions of dollars.
But — when you study these people, you find they’ve been doing what they’re doing for months and months. Sometimes for YEARS. They didn’t just build a technique. They built SUCCESS with the techniques they built.
Too often, you and I build the technique and simply expect it to work. We read about somebody doing podcasts and having great success. We say “oh — guess I better try podcasting.”
So — we record a few shows. Then, the gap between shows gets longer and longer until … no more shows.
So we decide THAT did’t work. Next, we read about someone having great success with a newsletter. We say to ourselves, “Perhaps THAT’s what will work.” So — we publish a newsletter. For a while.
I’ve done this with many of my own projects. I get impatient waiting for results and I lose interest and move on.
As I said earlier, I should know better. I’ve ceased production on way too many projects, declaring them dead only to see the interest in those same projects spike tremendously weeks or even months later. Looking back through my long career, I see this so often I’m alarmed.
In reflecting upon these “failures,” I’m forced to wonder — where would those SAME projects be today, had I continued working them?
The answer? Any one of them could be generating MILLIONS for me today, had I only continued to work at building them and honing them, perfecting them and letting the natural progression of discovery, word-of-mouth and longevity have their effect on the growth and power of whatever it was that I was trying out.
Whatever you’re doing, whatever you’ve chosen to do — think twice before throwing in the towel. Listen up! I’m trying desperately to help you shave a good 15 years off the time required to get to where I am today.
Here’s a possible solution:
The next time you step out on a limb and start working on any project — be it a new product, advertising efforts, a newsletter or podcast or blog — carefully evaluate your expectations.
What is REAL success with this new project or technique or tactic for you? What have others REALLY achieved (this is always notably different from what any sales page might say) — and how long did it REALLY take them to achieve it (again — not necessarily the same time-frame outlined on a sales page)?
Next, make certain you really have ALL the same pieces to make it work that the person you’re learning about it from used.
There are more courses and tips and tactics bouncing around out on the Web that are missing integral pieces than there are cars on the Santa Monica Freeway. If at all possible, TALK to someone who IS using whatever you plan to use or who has DONE what you’re planning to do first. Find out if everything they needed is included and what they might have brought in from elsewhere that isn’t included.
Third — before EVER pulling the plug on anything you’re doing, look to the future. Where COULD this go if you only gave it another month? What about another two months?
If you were hoping for 100 new visitors per day to your Website from your podcast and you only see 30 — are these 30 NEW people you would not otherwise have attracted? What happens if you keep the podcast going a year? Would that mean there were 300 or 3,000?
You must remember that the effect of ANY change to your business will usually be exponential. Whatever you manage to accomplish the first 30 days will be multiplied by at LEAST three over the NEXT 30 days of similar effort. If not, then it might be time to consider changing tactics.
Ask yourself, however — what did you expect? What CAN you expect?
Finally, evaluate the hours and energy you’re putting in to whatever project or technique or tactic that you’re trying next. This is often the primary determinator for me. If there is simply not enough time and energy in a day to keep pushing a rock up the hill — if I’ve been pushing and pushing and pushing at something and, long after I was more than willing to give up, it’s still only
barely budging and the top of the hill is still nowhere in sight … it MIGHT be time to stop pushing and find a diffrent rock.
Then and only then — plan to shut it down. But, rather than throwing in the towel immediately, minimize your expenses and time commitment, then give it another three months before you quit completely.
Set a shut-down date 90 days out and slowly shift your priorities.
I’m generally pretty tenacious. I live in fear that the project or technique I’m about to give up on was actually only MINUTES away from making my business more successful than it’s ever been before. I go through more intense stress deciding to throw in the towel than I ever do before launching anything new. Still, I’ve often closed the door long before the results were really in. I’m usually more often guilty of beating a dead horse long after the veterinarian
has gone home than I am pulling the plug too soon.
Still, nothing makes me more willing to pull the plug than something that’s not only taking longer than I’d hoped to produce results — but also more time, energy and resources than I care to put into it.
Follow the above steps and you’ll REDUCE your chances of turning your back on a winner that is just about to happen.
To wrap things up this week — I brought all of you something REALLY cool. How about access to a recording of a call that I was on last night, with Ken McArthur and a true FAMILY of entrepreneurs and experts called JV Alert. This was a special Family Reunion teleseminar event featurning many of the past speakers from Ken McArthur’s now-famous always-phenomenal JV Alert LIVE! conferences that he holds several times per year.
We all got on the phone together, reminisced (it was refreshing to feel like the baby of the group, for once, being one of the newest to join), then we opened up the entire panel of experts to questions from the listeners.
It’s a great two hours of information-packed audio — and no cost to you.
Here’s where you can go listen in — but do hurry. I don’t think Ken will leave this online much past next week some time.
I’ll see YOU next week!
Alan R. Bechtold
BBS Press Service, Inc.
‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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