Rick & Ron Davies’ ‘ClickBank Affiliate Guru Series’ lesson titled “Understanding Clickbank Hoplinks” is reprinted here. [ClickBank Affiliate Lesson]

Rick & Ron Davies’ ClickBank Affiliate Guru Series’ lesson is reprinted here.


Understanding Clickbank Hoplinks

here’s some very valuable information for all users of ClickBank. Whether you’re a vendor or an affiliate, you need to know all that you can about hoplinks. The information below is direct from ClickBank with their permission.

This is a great read, and I would suggest that everyone have a serious read of these questions and answers:

Q. With hoplinks does the first or last affiliate get the commission?

A. When a purchase is made at a vendor, the commission is awarded to the last affiliate who referred the customer to that particular vendor.

Q. For how long do you track each referral?

A. After you make a referral to a vendor, you will earn a commission if the customer makes a purchase at that vendor up to 60 days later.

Q. What percentage of ClickBank sales are made by referral?

A. Among our top selling products, over 75% of sales are generated by affiliates. Overall affiliates generate over 50% of all ClickBank sales.

Q. Can vendors cheat affiliates by “undoing” the commission on a sale, or by pretending that a sale was refunded?

A. No. Unlike other popular affiliate solutions, ClickBank handles both the sale and the awarding of commissions. The only way for a vendor to undo a commission is to actually undo (refund) the entire order.

Q. If I refer a customer to one vendor, and they proceed to make several purchases from that vendor, will I get a commission on each sale?

A. Yes.

Q. If I refer a customer to one vendor, but the customer ends up buying from a different vendor, will I get a commission on the sale?

A. No.

Q. Suppose a customer is surfing the web at their office. I refer the customer to a vendor, they make a purchase, and I get a commission. Later the same customer is surfing the web at home (on a different machine) and goes to the same vendor to make another purchase. Will I get a commission on that sale?

A. Yes! This feature will be added soon.

Q. Will I get referral credit if I make hoplinks open into pop-up or pop-under windows?

A. Yes. Pop-up, pop-under, and “exit” windows are not a problem.

Q. Will I get referral credit if I hide hoplinks by making them open into a frame, iframe, layer, applet, image, or other sub-window object?

A. No. These are illegal hoplinks. For security reasons, and to ensure proper tracking of your referrals, all hoplinks must be targeted to the top level of a new or existing window.

Q. What happens if I do make illegal hoplinks?

A. The short answer is that if you make illegal hoplinks you will lose money. Hoplinks targeted to frames or iframes are automatically re targeted to fill the top level of same window, with full referral credit awarded. Note that this re targeting may have the unintended effect of displacing your entire web site.

Hoplinks targeted to images or other invisible html objects give you no referral credit at all. In some cases they will also prevent you from receiving referral credit for legal hoplinks on the same page.

Q. Will I get referral credit if I hide hoplinks by using a “link cloaker”, so that the customer clicks on a url that then redirects the customer through a ClickBank hoplink?

A. Yes. Cloaked hoplinks are legal. Redirecting to hoplinks is not a problem as long as the link is targeted to the top level of a new or existing window.

Q. How can I target a hoplink to the top level of the current window?

A. If your site doesn’t use frames, then all links are automatically targeted to the top level. If you do use frames, then to be safe be sure to set the target attribute of each hoplink link to “_top”.

Here’s an example:


Rick & Ron Davies

Rick Davies and his brother Ron, own and operate several work-at-home websites and affiliate products including www.1stPromotion.com and www.ProfitMart.com Both of the brothers are full-time work-at-home dads For more information on this and other articles, please contact the author at Rick@1stPromotion.com or visit the sites above”.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Rick & Ron Davies for granting permission to reprint the latest lessons.

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