Steve Pohlit’s latest article titled ” Why Selfishness Is The Foundation of Succeeding In Business” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]

Steve Pohlit’s latest article titled ” Why Selfishness Is The Foundation of Succeeding In Business” is reprinted here.


Why Selfishness Is The Foundation of Succeeding In Business

Every time I immersed myself into learning and developing new skills the most fun was not being paid but in seeing the results of my work. Yes I was helping my company or another company make more money. Yes I was developing a new marketing strategy that included the use of effective web sites, blogs, articles, email campaigns and more. Yes I was getting paid for that work but the biggest payment of all came from the satisfaction of increasing my own expertise. Why? Because anytime I was able to take something that interested me, develop that into marketable expertise then I was first helping myself. Once that happened then I was in a position to help my business and help others.

Deepak Chopra asks us to examine those activities we become involved with where we are not even aware of the passage of time. Those activities usually comprise what we should be doing while we are on this planet or our purpose. Having said that, when I recently lost a few weekends to a project I was working on, I did not have all the skills or the interest for that project even one month ago. I do now.

One skill in the following list did not exist for me at all 36 months ago. Another I had no interest in even 30 days ago. Now I am using every business skill I developed during my entire career and have added a few more to that toolbox. Here is a partial list of what I am talking about:

Team Building
Effective Presentations
Web Site Development
Project Management
Research and Development
Developing Agendas and Running Meetings
Reconciling Very Diverse Age Groups and Backgrounds

My educational background, work experience and self taught skills have positioned me to be effective in this work. Smiles and compliments are my pay for this project My reward is what I learn from the people I am working with. That by the way has always been the case. I have always gained from learned the most from the people I work with.

I feel that I am on purpose more time than I am not. I am sharing this with you because I know if you are reading this report, then you are likely a person to be interested in growing your business, being in business, marketing, internet marketing, doing business using the tools of the Internet and making money online.

Some of those interests for me started before the Internet was born. Others developed since then. What I didn’t really think about much at all were the following questions:

Do I really like what I do?
What are the reasons for my work and efforts?
When things work why is that?
When they don’t why is that?

Without having a mission of asking myself these questions I think I have done a pretty good job. I have developed along the lines of what I should be doing given my interests and skills. How about you? How are you doing? How happy are you with how you spend your time?

It Is Not About The Money!!

I know people and you probably do to who have made and who are making a ton of money. Some of those people are not healthy and happy. At the next seminar you go to really look at the people – the presenters the attendees. Many are not happy. Many (and I have spent more time than I like to admit on this one also) say “if I only had this or when I am finished with that I will be happy.” Here is a big point: if you are not happy now while you are pursuing painting a new picture for your life or just touching it up a bit, you will not be happy with the new picture when you get it.

Why am I writing this? Because I continue to see the same headlines, the same marketing messages and the same shallow promises related to “things”. Do not think I have something against things. Not at all! Randy Gage has taught me all the riches of this planet are here for me to enjoy and I am delighted to enjoy any that come my way.

I focus, on new goals, business and personal all the time and I encourage you to do the same. I am more open to alternative ways of achieving these goals rather than following an exact step by step process within a defined time frame that some other person defines.

Randy Gage pulls this together very well in his book “Why You’re Dumb, Sick & Broke …And How To Get Smart, Healthy & Rich.” In the 10th chapter he writes

“I’ll take my cue from Thoreau …

To be happy you must have a purpose
To have a purpose requires having personal values
Your values create a congruent philosophy to live by
Your philosophy is congruent only if you live by the principles that support that philosophy”

Try this philosophy on for size: “You Have The Right To Do Anything You Want, Provided You Do Not Infringe Upon The Rights of Others”

Well that statement could be the topic of a completely separate series or more. For purposes of this article, I encourage you to think deep. When you say I need my business to be better, or I want more money or I want to meet this person or I want to be in a relationship or I want to be out of this relationship, what you are saying is you want the feelings associated with a tangible product or event. The goal is the feelings. Feelings result from the way you think and you can be marvelous every day. Am I? Nope- but I am getting closer.

Here is a shameless plug: if you want the feelings associated with your business doing better then there are some fundamental steps you can take right now. I detail those at 10 Minute MBA

Bonus Offer

If you have any trouble setting up a web site with a blog automatically linked to the content you are publishing, this offer is for you. I have been quietly testing this service and have several clients I am working with who really like the results. I can reasonably handle 10 more.

For the first 10 people with a small business (can include: brick and mortar, affiliate marketing, information marketing, MLM, more) you will receive a domain name, hosting for one year, a fully functional website with two blogs linked to your site. Your blogs will have the blog widget for your own account. Relevant articles will be added to your site and automatically linked to your blogs. This set-up alone is worth well in excess of $500. Plus you will automatically be enrolled in my teleconference training sessions. There will be at least four sessions lasting about 45 minutes and the focus of these sessions is on teaching you the foundation principles of successfully developing your business. These are the same tools and techniques I have successfully used with companies who have paid hundreds of dollars per hour for my work.

All of this for a one time fee of $299.00 plus your testimonial. 10 people only. Hurry.. Email Me Now before it is too late.

May you and yours experience permanent prosperity in all areas of you life.

Steve Pohlit

Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit, Business Consultant

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Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now consults personally with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. The client then experiences a very high return on investment. Learn more about the process of How To Increase Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Steve Pohlit for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.

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