Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “What Exactly IS A Real Job,Anyway?”. [Newsletter]

Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.


What Exactly IS A “Real Job,” Anyway?

I made the mistake, not too many months ago, of calling my mom after I’d had a particularly frustrating week at work. I was having some employee difficulties. Revenue was slower than I was happy with and sales on a new launch I’d spent many weeks putting together were stunted by some technical issues I was dealing with day-by-day.

I miss my mom and my family terribly. The ONLY bad thing about moving to Florida from my home in Kansas is the fact that I’m now living 1400 miles away from my mom, my brother, my two kids and my only grandson — so I do try to call as often as I can.

That day, mom asked me how things were going. Usually, I’m one of the most positive-thinking optimists on the planet. But, I let go. I told her I wasn’t having the best week of my life and detailed all the problems that were, literally, hammering me all week long.

I think, even though I’m 55 now, I was hurting a little and wanted my mommy to tell me everything’s going to be ok.

Instead, she laid a bombshell on me that I NEVER expected!

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Then, quietly, almost timidly, she said, “Well, honey, you know — maybe you should just get a REAL job.”

I know she meant well, but that was definitely NOT the answer I expected or was looking for. But, I could hardly blame her. After all, mom’s a child of the depression. She was raised in an era where only the most reckless souls dared venture into the world of business.

Back in my mom’s heyday, that belief made perfect sense. Starting a business in the pre-Internet days was a huge, risky proposition. It cost a ton to get started. You had to spend a ton more to attract customers. And you risked everything on a slim chance of success.

Today, the Internet makes it easy for anyone to start a successful business. Your chances of success still aren’t guaranteed — but they are much higher and the risks much lower. Mom doesn’t get that and I don’t blame her for not understanding. She’s in her eighties, after all. She’s never done more than peck around on a computer keyboard.

Actually, it was my mom’s use of the word “REAL” that stung the most. As if my business isn’t a job. Had mom said, “Maybe you should get a DIFFERENT job,” it wouldn’t have been nearly the shock that it was.

But, when I compare my mother’s lack of understanding to today’s idealized notion of exactly what business ownership is all about, there are a few differences but, the end result is the same.

You’ve seen the Websites telling you that starting your own Internet-based business is the “key to all happiness, money, love and admiration.” It seems, if the sales copy is to be believed, that almost every problem in the world can be solved by everyone simply starting his or her own business. Small wonder so many people today have an idealized notion of what running a business is like.

They think, somehow, it’s directly tied to “The Internet Lifestyle,” living on the beach or in hot tubs while your online business just keeps pouring the cash through the door.

There is some truth to all of this — IF you’re willing to work long and hard to get there. But it’s definitely not what running a business is like day-to-day. Far from it.

Sure — I automate much of my business. I also outsource a lot of the tasks I need to accomplish to keep it all running. But it’s not like I’m living the picture-perfect life so eloquently described on so may Websites selling the latest, greated new gadget, gizmo, course or E-book about Internet marketing.

It’s work. REAL work. And responsibility. More responsibility than I ever dreamed I would be taking on when I was a young foolish teenager looking ahead to my future. There is also risk … but it’s more managed than the “pre-Internet” days.

And I work hard, more hours and more days in a row than I would EVER work for someone else.

Disappointed? Don’t be. What I just described is a “REAL” job. Owning your own business IS a real job. But, unlike most other “real” jobs in the world, mine is controlled by me. It’s up to me to get new products out the door, create or oversee the creation of marketing materials and systems, generate sales and run things.

I also control the hours I work. I usually choose to work long hours because I love what I do — but I can still choose WHICH hours I wish to work. And — it’s up to me whether I work at all or not.

It’s all about freedom of choice. The freedom to choose my own destiny. The freedom to screw it all up if I want to. And there lies the catch that scares most people off soon after they begin. IF they begin at all.

There are so many people online selling nothing but dreams it’s no wonder so many people fall into the trap of believing the hype. Believing the hype is deadly to your success. It will taint your expectations so you’re not fully prepared for what really lies ahead as you launch your own business and start building it.

It will create dissatisfaction with what is otherwise a wonderful way to work and live without boundaries.

That’s why I say owning your own business is a REAL job. It’s just completely different from most other so-called REAL jobs available today.

Forget the hype. Don’t listen. Run from it when you see it. Follow the path to proven core principles of business success. Put your head down and get to work and keep at it. Know that there will be days that are impossible and days that are wonderful.

With your own business, the wonderful days will outnumber the impossible ones 3-1. But, the impossible days will seem three times more difficult to get through.

If you love uncertainty, because you understand that with uncertainty comes unlimited potential…if you love long hours doing something you truly love doing and believe in…you’re made for this REAL job. You’ll do fine.

Is it for everyone? I wish I could say it was. The hype would lead you to believe it is. But it’s not.

You might not be cut out for a business of your own. I thrive on it — even on the worst of days.

That’s why, after my mom told me to think about getting a REAL job, I sighed…then said, “But — mom — this is the REAL job I was born to do!”

OK — next week I’ll get back to earth a bit and start looking at some of the latest trends I’m seeing online. I’ll go over how to tap the most profitable ones and what to avoid like the plague.

Meanwhile, here’s a gift for you — just because I love this “job” so much. I’m holding a special call this Monday evening at 8:00 P.M. Eastern U.S. time where I will be joined by special guest Michael Penland. We’re going to tell you all about the best ways possible to start building your own REAL business RIGHT NOW.

We hope to be joined by another special guest as well — and we’ll have even MORE gifts for everyone who attend the call.


The date: Monday, October 15, 2007
The time: 8:00 P.M. Eastern U.S.
Phone-Number to Dial: 218-486-3693
Use Conference ID: 986128#

OR…just visit this Website and you can listen in and post questions online, without tying up a phone line OR running up your long distance bills:

Look — I’ll be working at 8 P.M. Eastern Monday whether you show up or not. Don’t you want to sit in and “watch” me work? It’s going to inspire you, I guarantee!

Alan R. Bechtold


BBS Press Service, Inc.

‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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