David Perdew says, “Internet Marketing and Clean Water – Not so different”. David seeks support of internet marketers to Luke Hutcherson’s Project of “bringing low-cost water purifiers to the worst-hit areas such as Ghana in West Africa”. [Humanitarian Project]

David Perdew says, “Internet Marketing and Clean Water – Not so different”.

Press Release

Internet Marketing and Clean Water – Not so different!

Four people – three of them children – will have died from drinking bad water by the time you finish reading this article. From water-based diarrhea alone, 1.8 million people die each year.

But that doesn’t include the dozens of other diseases that result from little access to clean water. The numbers jump to more than 5 million who die annually when you add them in.

That’s so sad…but it’s over there, right? It doesn’t really affect me or you. And there’s nothing you can really do anyway, right? You’re just one person.


Luke Hutcherson is just one person too. But he’s making a difference and you can help. Here’s how:

Support him and his team in bringing low-cost water purifiers to the worst-hit areas such as Ghana in West Africa.

By the end of November, you can help him install these water purifiers and be confident that you’ve helped nearly 10,000 people have access to clean water who don’t right now.

Internet Marketing and Clean Water – Not so different!

*This news was submitted by David Perdew.

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