‘Home Based Profits’ is going to launch in phases. Christopher Smith says, “The site is scheduled to officially launch within the next few months, on an undisclosed date. In the interim, it is now fully operational, being indexed by all major search engines, and accepting quality article submissions”. [Home Based Profits]

‘Home Based Profits’ is going to launch in phases.

Press Release

Niche Article Directory Debuts

Home-Based-Profits.com is the newest niche Article Directory on the Internet, serving the Internet marketing community. The niche focus is on home business opportunities, which creates an excellent opportunity for Internet marketers to promote themselves, their products, and their web sites.

This site is currently undergoing a multi-phase build and gearing for a large scale launch. Phase 1 of the site is nearing completion. The second phase will see the site establish itself with the major search engines and article submission services.

This is an opportunity for Internet marketers to establish a foot hold on a new site that promises to be a growing source of traffic. Because of the limited number of submissions currently being received, authors are seeing their articles quickly approved and indexed by search engines.

Article marketing is an effective, yet very inexpensive means of building credibility for the author. Establishing yourself as an expert or “guru” in a field by publishing articles increases the effectiveness of a sales message since the reader is already inclined to consider the author’s opinion. The process becomes one of an expert recommendation versus a sales pitch. As an article is syndicated in E-Zines and on web sites the potential size of an audience can be staggering.

The publication of articles is also a recognized method of building one-way back-links to a web site. The author of each article published at Home-Based-Profits.com is permitted an article byline in which they may include an HTML link to their web site with anchor text of their choosing.

Articles published on Home-Based-Profits are quickly added to RSS feeds and automated announcement lists. This expands the reach of the article with syndication possible in a matter of minutes, if not seconds, on automated content sites as well as E-Zine publications.

The best attribute of article marketing is that there is little, if any, out-of-pocket cost involved. Home-Based-Profits charges no fee for registration, no fee for article submission, and no review fee. All submissions are hand checked for quality with random duplicate content checks. This improves the quality of the articles hosted on the site, which translates into a better audience for those articles.

The site is scheduled to officially launch within the next fee months, on an undisclosed date. In the interim, it is now fully operational, being indexed by all major search engines, and accepting quality article submissions.


*This news was submitted by Christopher Smith.

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