‘The Road To Wealth’ – ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “The Road To Wealth”. [Newsletter]
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.
The Road To Wealth
I’m going to make a huge guess here. You’re reading this newsletter because you’re trying to learn to make money online. Or, you’re already making money online, but you’d like to learn how to make more.
Congratulations! This is what I focus my constant educational efforts upon and I’ve been quite successful through the years. Keep it up and you should be, too.
Business is all about growth — including the growth of your knowledgebase. Without continual learning and a willingness to learn (an eagerness, even), you cannot and will not ever succeed with your own business.
Recently, I’ve discussed some not-so-pleasant issues related to making your business really work. They’re not pleasant because I’ve dared utter what would appear to be the most hated four-letter word in the home business industry: work.
Everywhere you turn within this industry, there are loads of people standing in line, offering to sell you ready-to-wear turnkey and fully loaded automatic money-making machines. That’s all well and good. There are indeed SOME systems you can buy into that will work. I’ve created some myself. BUT — I’ve found through the years that NONE of them are particularly fast without some action on your part as well.
Toward that end, I feel I’ve done a pretty good job at giving you some valuable pointers about setting up a plan, breaking it into “day-sized” chunks, setting it up on a calendar, then following the steps.
But — I forgot to tell you a very important piece of the puzzle. Besides actually EXECUTING your plan, there is a way to “stack the deck” in your favor. A very simple method of executing your plan that can virtually guarantee your success, if you create the plan, set it up right and follow it.
This method is used by most of the successful people I know. I follow it to. And it’s so simple it can be expressed in a single paragraph.
Each day, in whatever time you’ve alloted yourself to work on your business, always make the first 1/3 of your work revolve around those things that will bring money into your business. Without fail. 1/3. Every day.
If you have 30 minutes a day — make sure the first 10 are spent on something that generates revenue. If you have three hours a day, spend the first hour.
The list of things this includes:
* Writing sales copy
* Setting up an auto-responder series designed to make SALES
* Searching and testing pay-per-click ads
* Working on search engine optimization
* Negotiating joint venture deals
As long as the task you’re working on has a direct end RESULT of generating revenue through more customers coming in or the customers you have buying more — it fits in your 1/3 list.
I apologize for not bringing this up sooner. It’s the final piece of the puzzle.
The sure-fire path to great wealth is simply creating a plan and executing it faithfully with DAILY action. But — it does need to be the RIGHT action every day. And I just told you what that would be. 1/3 on bringing in MONEY, the rest on product creation, customer support, etc.
This is a proven path. It’s not a path to instant wealth. It’s not a path to EASY wealth. But it is do-able by anyone capable of reading this. And it works EVERY TIME when you do it right.
You say you want gifts? Ahhh … it would seem that I’ve trained you, like the proverbial Pavlov’s dog, to salivate as you reach the end of each issue of E-Wealth Report, knowing there is usually a gift waiting for you there.
I can’t possibly let you down, can I?
Here it is:
This site features a really nice form you can fill out, then cut-and-paste any E-mail you intend to send to a list. It will then send you an E-mail detailing which words in your E-mail would not pass through SpamAssasin’s filters, so you can change your wording.
SpamAssassin is, by the way, the largest word-based spam filter on the Web.
I suggest you run any revisions you’ve made BACK through this system and make further revisions until you come up with a “clean” E-mail.
Given the current state of E-mail deliverability, this still won’t ensure 100% delivery of your E-mails, but even if it bumps it up by 10 or 20%, it’s well worth the effort.
And there is no cost whatsoever.
See you next week!
Alan R. Bechtold
BBS Press Service, Inc.
‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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