Jimmy D. Brown’s ‘Six-Figure Formula’ ‘4-week eclass’ is starting from Monday, November 12. “Each week I’ll send you out a download link (via email) for that week’s PDF training materials”, says Jimmy. [Training Course]

Jimmy D. Brown’s ‘Six-Figure Formula’ ‘4-week eclass’ is starting from Monday, November 12.

Six-Figure Formula Sales Letter

Six-Figure Formula sales letter title:

“Over The Next Few Days, I’ll Personally Show You How I Run My Own Business And Together We’ll Custom Tailor A Plan of Action You Can Use To Build a Six-Figure Business In Only 3 Hours A Day”

Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the features and benefits of Six-Figure Formula.

Jimmy says, “Here’s how it works…

– Brief, Easy-To-Understand Training Materials. Each week I’ll send you out a download link (via email) for that week’s PDF training materials (more on these in just a moment).

– Real Action-Oriented Assignments To Complete. At the conclusion of each lesson will be 2-4 homework assignments to complete before the next lesson arrives the following week.

– Personalized Q&A With Me Anytime You Want During The 4-Weeks. You will have the opportunity to interact with me on a limited basis.”


The price of Six-Figure Formula is: $497

Six-Figure Formula Link

Six-Figure Formula Sales Letter





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