Jaime Luchuck has launched ‘Success in 12 Weeks’ training course. “Success in 12 Weeks is a series of 12 webinars, each hosted by an Internet marketing expert, along with myself. Each week, these experts like Jeff Walker, Mike Koenigs, Gary Ambrose, Simon Leung, Mark Joyner, Bob Jenkins, Rick Raddatz and Christina Hills will take you through a different aspect of putting together a successful online business”, says Jaime. [Training Course Launch]

Jaime Luchuck has launched ‘Success in 12 Weeks’ training course.

Success in 12 Weeks Sales Letter

Success in 12 Weeks sales letter title:

“A One Time Opportunity to Have Twelve Internet Millionaires Help You Build Your Own Super-Profitable Online Business in 12 Weeks Flat”

“Just think 12 short weeks from now you could be quitting your day job and running your own profitable internet business!”

Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the features and benefits of Success in 12 Weeks.

Jaime says, “In joining this program, you will get

– Specific and detailed instruction on more than 12 aspects of a successful online business

– The benefit of this new and innovative experience of being taught by both experts and a “newbie”

– Immersed in the exciting world of Internet Marketing!

– To learn the secrets of how to build a profitable website

– Knowledge of how to increase traffic to your site — and more traffic means more business

– Access to my personal blog journaling my experiences working on the course.”


The price of Success in 12 Weeks is: $197


Success in 12 Weeks comes with Joel Comm’s “Making Money with Adsense”.


Success in 12 Weeks has a 100% money-back guarantee.

Success in 12 Weeks Link

Success in 12 Weeks Sales Letter





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