JP Schoeffel seeking a Technical Project Manager and a Web Developer to work with him. [Jobs: Technical Project Manager & Web Developer]

JP Schoeffel seeking a Technical Project Manager and a Web Developer to work with him.

Tasks for Technical Project Manager

JP says, “You will report directly to me and you should be available for discussing goals, vision as well as details of any project through email or gmail chat.

You will Support the whole creation process (in collaboration with me):

– market survey (tech-based competitive analysis)

– writing specs

– development management

– coordination with all parties involved in development

– beta test organization and follow up with the development team

– bug / suggestion compilation and follow up with development team and marketing team.”

Tasks for Web Developer / Designer

JP says, “This position will be responsible for:

– developing / implementing small web applications

– assisting the Project Manager in his/her tasks

– testing and bug-fixing our current products as well as checking security and updating them as

– designing web pages

– If needed, answer 2nd level support questions.”

According to JP, these positions are for 6 – 12 months. There will be 2 months probation in this job.

How To Apply

JP says, “There’s no pre-defined form…and it’s up to you to use the most effective ‘application form’ to show me:

– who you are

– what you can do

– what you’re able to do

– what you’re willing to do

– what you envision to do for & with my company.”

Send your application at ethiccash AT gmail DOT com with the word “Application” in subject line.

[email with the subject: JP is now hiring! 2 positions opened…]





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