Jay Douglas has announced that he is participating in Rich Schefren’s 66-Second Video contest. Jay Douglas seeks votes for his video. [Video Contest]

Jay Douglas has announced that he is participating in Rich Schefren’s 66-Second Video contest.

Press Release

Rich Schefren’s Skeleton Needs Your Help…

You gotta admit. Rich Schefren is a marketing genius. I mean, who else could raise a skeleton from the dead, get him to star in his own video, and talk to thousands about Rich’s new product? Come on, admit it. That’s one HELL of a feat!!!

I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself. But it’s true… Take a look for yourself…

You’ll find him under Jay Douglas’ Videos at this URL…


The skeleton’s name is “Skully” and he’s entered into Rich Schefren’s 66-seconds-outrageous Video Contest. Yes, this sassy skeleton gets around and he tells it like it is…

But Skully needs your “Digg” to win the video contest in the “Outragous” category. Rich might be good, but he can’t win the contest for Skully.

So don’t be a Scrooge. Go to the URL below right now and vote for Skully because the contest ends soon.

You can’t miss Skully the Skeleton at this URL…

Rich Schefren’s Video Contest


*This news post was submitted by Jay Douglas.

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