Marc Liron’s latest ‘Microsoft MVP & New Media Evangelist’ blog post introduces Microsoft’s ‘Live Search Webmaster Tools’. According to Marc, the tool has been available to the public since November 15 but not many webmasters are aware that the tool is available for free. [Microsoft Live Search Free Tool]

Marc Liron’s latest ‘Microsoft MVP & New Media Evangelist’ blog post introduces Microsoft’s ‘Live Search Webmaster Tools’.

Press Release

Microsoft Release Webmaster Tools For Live.Com

Microsoft has made a new service available for webmasters wishing to know more about how their website(s) are doing in the software giant’s search engine Live.Com

The new service is called Live Search Webmaster Tools and has been publically available since the 15th November 2007. Prior to that it was in a private beta for 3 months.

HOWEVER very FEW internet marketing webmasters do NOT know about this new tool available to them for free.

Microsoft Release Webmaster Tools For Live.Com

Marc Liron’s Blog










*This news post was submitted by Marc Liron – Microsoft MVP.

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