Marc Liron and Robert Redwood launch ‘Google Video Sitemap Generator’. According to Marc and Robert, it is a free tool to create video sitemaps for Google. [Google Video Sitemap Generator]

Marc Liron and Robert Redwood launch ‘Google Video Sitemap Generator’.

Press Release

Worlds First Google Video Sitemap Generator Released

Only after five days since Google announced its commitment to online video by introducing Video Sitemaps.

Microsoft MVP Marc Liron and Java Guru Robert Redwood have released the worlds “first” offline Google Video Sitemap Generator.

Calling it “Video Sitemap Pro” they are making this useful webmaster tool available for FREE.

Marc says “…online video is going to be an even more important marketing tool in 2008 and Google opening up its video index like this, is an opportunity NOT to be missed!”










*This news post was submitted by Marc Liron.

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