Beware of the ‘Devilish’ Internet Marketing Part I – IBB Newsletter
Justin Koh has released the latest issue of ‘Internet Business Breakthrough’ #5 newsletter. The featured article is titled “Beware of the ‘Devilish’ Internet Marketing Part I”. [IBB Newsletter]
Justin Koh has released the latest issue of:
Internet Business Breakthrough Newsletter #5
Beware the ‘Devilish’ Internet Marketing Distraction – Part 1
Beat the distraction devil that seeks to bring the ultimate destruction to your wildly profitable
business. Bust him out of the way and kiss goodbye to your distraction forever.
Table of Contents
1. BEWARE the ‘Devilish’ Internet Marketing Distraction – Part 1
2. The software alternative to Macromedia Dreamweaver
1. BEWARE the ‘Devilish’ Internet Marketing Distraction – Part 1
You woke up of the bed, full of enthusiastic and excitement to begin your internet marketing adventure. Excited at the financial freedom that internet marketing brings, you quickly took your sumptuous breakfast and start working on your computer. Half a day passes by and you realize that you haven’t really done much.
So what happen?
Due to a heavy breakfast, you started to feel sleepy. When you woke up, an hour has passed. You took some time to check your email and found out that your friend has uploaded her latest photo into MySpace. You check out that as well.
When you start working for a while, one of your friends send you an msn text message and you have a short conversation. Later on, you stumble into an innocent looking link which lead to a salespage that promises you $XXX per day when you joined. You pay the membership fee and after looking around, decide that it isn’t worth joining and proceed to ask for a refund. When you look back at your clock, half the day is over.
Without a doubt, one of the enemies that hinder our success in internet marketing lies in the ‘Devilish’ Distraction that we face everyday. In order to combat the enemy, we need to know how they work so that we can start working our way to success.
As Sun Tzu put it, “”Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without peril.”
Let’s look at the various types of attacks that the enemy possesses
Devilish Distraction #1: Lack of Vision As Proverbs 29:18 put it, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Without a vision in place on the direction that your business is heading to, you will be constantly be distracted by the new fad and trend that emerge from internet marketing. Marketer will get sidetracked and jump to the latest hot bandwagon because they are not able to differentiate the type of opportunity that are align with their business vision. As a result of that, more time and money would be wasted in evaluating and ‘testing out’ other opportunity instead of focusing on their business vision.
Devil Buster #1: Develop a vision and a game plan for your business. Think clearly on what you want to achieve in your business and take a pen to write it down. Break down your game plan into daily workable activities that build your MOMENTUM in your business building.
Continue reading here eting-distraction-part-1/
*This newsletter was submitted by Justin Koh
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