Matt Gill: 4 New Sites for Sale on ‘VIPER Internet Business’
Matt Gill has announced that there are 4 new Internet sites for sale on ‘VIPER Internet Business’. The sites are related to personal development, according to Matt. [VIPER Internet Business]
Matt Gill has announced that there are 4 new personal development related Internet sites for sale on ‘VIPER Internet Business’.
According to Matt, the following Internet sites are on sell at ‘VIPER Internet Business’:
1. Home improvement lead gen/Adsense site: It is a content site that generates $400/month.
2. Scrapbooking information product site: 16 month track record of producing fully automated profits of over $1,000/month.
3. High value, low cost offer model: A sales model where customers get 271 different products for only $1.23
4. $62,500/year information product site: Generates 170,000 visitors/month and $62,500/year in profit on autopilot.
More information on the above mentioned Internet sites is available at
‘VIPER Internet Business’ Link
VIPER Internet Business
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