‘Are You In The Boat — Or Just Floating In The Water?’ – E-Wealth Report
Alan R. Bechtold has released the latest issue of E-Wealth Report. This featured article is titled “Are You In The Boat — Or Just Floating In The Water?”. [E-Wealth Report]
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.
Are You In The Boat — Or Just Floating In The Water?
As I write this, a New Year has begun. 2008 is underway and things are looking GRIM economically.
Gasoline prices remain high — around $3 average per gallon in the U.S. The U.S. housing crises is taking a tremendous toll on millions of Americans who signed up for shady mortgages that are now balooning faster than their incomes, forcing foreclosures and a horrible drop in the value of most homes. As a result, the U.S. stock market has dropped dramatically more than half the days it’s been open this year. It’s even affecting foreign stock markets as the ripples spread out across the ocean.
What a way to start a year!
Still — for myself, most of my colleagues, and for a select number of my clients — 2008 promises to be the best year ever.
We’re not worried about high gas prices. Sure — we hate them like anyone. They take money from our pockets we’d much rather keep, and they make everything we buy more expensive.
We’re not concerned about the mortgage crises. Of course, we don’t like the fact that this is getting in the way of our profitable real estate investing and the tightening effect it’s having on the availbility of credit.
The current stock market plunge doesn’t make us break into a sweat, either. It’s definitely decreasing the value of our investment portfolios in the short term, and that’s not something anyone likes to see — but it’s not making us lose any sleep at night.
So — what’s so different about us that we aren’t joining most of the rest of the country in wringing our hands and fretting and worrying about what the future brings?
We all have more than enough money to live comfortably, regardless of what the economy does. What we do for a living also isn’t noticeably affected by all the financial drama going on aournd us.
We attained this enviable position by launching and running our own successful businesses.
Owning your own business put you in control of your financial destiny, plain and simple. It’s not a guarantee of financial success, mind you. But, we also leverage our businesses through the Internet. This lowers our costs and our risks and expands our options and markets in so many ways there literally can never be a situation where we find ourselves hamstrung, stuck to one strategy and fretting over the results if ANYTHING outside of our control goes wrong.
As a result, my colleagues, and a select number of my clients who listen to me and do what I tell them, are making more than enough money to weather any financial storm.
I am, too.
Other than this, none of us is remarkably different from you. Most of us WERE you just a few short years or even months ago.
We come from all manner of backgrounds — some poor, many middle-class, a few even wealthy. Many of us never went to college. Some never finished high school. Most of us were the worst employees on earth before we started our online businesses. Getting fired or layed off was a pretty regular occurrance for us until we saw the light and turned things around for the better.
Can you see the similarities? And the differences?
If the current financial news breaking in the headlines right now has you concerned — you do need to make a choice, right now, before going any farther with your life. It’s a remarkably simple choice to make and reasonably easy to follow through.
But the choice MUST be made.
You need to make the choice to DO SOMETHING NOW. Get started building an online business of your own.
I can’t hammer this point home too often. Choosing to watch reruns of Saturday Night Live over working just four hours a week to build an online business of your own WILL make the difference between living a life filled with worry and struggle and living a life that will take you to where we are now.
We’re not worried about these events because, frankly, we all make so much more money than we require to live comfortably that the worst affect the economic downturn may have on our lives is to reduce, slightly, the amount of money we’re able to sock away into investments for the future.
$5-a-gallon gasoline wouldn’t noticebly change our lives. We wouldn’t have to change our lifestyle if the value of our homes dropped by 50%. The stock market could lose another 5,000 points and we’d be ok.
Because we’ve all developed businesses that more than pay our cost of living and that keep generating more money, day in and day out, and most people make working a job for a month or longer.
I don’t tell you this to rub it in your face. I tell you this to make a hard-hitting point that you face a decision right now to continue living in fear or to take some simple steps. Now is the time to decide.
Forget New Years resolutions. Make the decision right now to deprive yourself of just a few hours of mindless relaxation PER WEEK, and get yourself into the boat we’re floating in.
There’s lots of room for everyone. You’re drifting around out there in the water, just outside of our reach, in danger of sinking. All it takes is the determination to stop floating helplessly on your back, roll over and paddle to the boat.
We’ll pull you in!
I know, I know. I’m certain you’ve reached out before, buying this E-book or that. Taking this course or that course. Spending money you can ill afford to lose to glean just a piece of the whole picture.
Still, because you’re not sure what exactly to do and what you’ve chosen to do didn’t work, you feel cheated.
You should.
There are a LOT of sharks in that water you’re floating around in. Some will gladly PRETEND they have a lifeboat and encourage you to swim over, only to rip you open and throw you back in the water, worse off than you were before.
But, that should never stop you from continuing to swim because, unless you take the effort to continue to paddle, you’ll stay right where you are, waiting for the next shark to come to you.
You just need to know which direction to paddle in. Which boat will carry you where you want to go.
Stop looking for the simple solution.
Stop expecting someone to hand you millions on a platter in return for “just a modest fee” of $100, $1,000 or even $10,000. Don’t think for a moment that there’s an easy way out, that you can somehow just continue to float effortlessly and still land on a luxurious comfortable island home somewhere nearby.
This is how it is. You know I’m telling you the truth. But — you have to WANT to change your situation badly enough to listen.
Isn’t it time for it to stop? Don’t you want to finally make economic worries go away once and for all?
If I told you there’s a way to cut through the clutter and clearly identify ALL the steps you need to take, to build your own highly profitable online business from home, part time, working no more than four hours per week — would you be ready to hear me? Would you want to know more about this?
What if I added the fact that I’ve gathered together the most powerful collection of marketing and online publishing experts ever assembled together in one single program, plus successful clients who have studied what I teach and who are also now eager to teach you what it takes?
Would that pique your interest?
What if I added that what we’ll show you is literally EVERYTHING YOU NEED to build a highly profitable online business the easiest, surest way — without risking tons of money, wasting loads of your time or doing anything that requires special skills and experience?
Would that help roll you ever and start you paddling toward the boat?
All you need to do is roll over, kick once or twice, paddle a couple of times — and you’ll be within reach. Let us take you by the hand and we’ll pull you into the boat with us and show you exactly what you need to know to stay in the boat with us forever — or even to build a brand new boat of your own!
The reality is that information publishing works. It’s the foundation upon which you can ADD any frills, bells or whistles you wish. But, first, you need the foundation. First, you need to build and launch an information publishing business the RIGHT way.
Once you have that in place, THEN you can start looking at all those E-books, couses and new whiz-bang gizmos and tecnhiques for your order forms and sales pages.
IF you feel the need.
And there is only ONE place I know where you can obtain this powerful foundation for yourself. There is only ONE place where you can receive not only all the instruction you need to set it up and make it work — but also all the resources, ongoing consulting and communication with other information publishers and marketers you could ever hope to have at your disposal. More
than you could hope for.
And I call it — The Franklin Guild.
Based on everything I’ve learned in more than 23 years of online publishing and marketing, The Franklin Guild is a truly low-cost training system that has been uniquely combined with a coaching and mastermind process that was designed from the ground up so that no participant ever has to “go it alone.”
There will ALWAYS be someone at hand to help out with the “tough” questions that inevitably come up from time to time, or the problems you will encounter that are unique to your situation.
It’s truly the only system I’ve seen that can provide you with everything you need to apply what you already know, with no other special skills or experience necessary, and build a successful, highly profitable online business that will enable you to stop worrying about the current financial crises — or any other crises the world might bring your way.
And it’s all based firmly on principles that have been proven to work for anyone who applies them faithfully.
Membership is only available by invitation. A current member must invite you, or you’ll be left outside looking in forever.
Fortunately for you, I am a co-founder of The Franklin Guild. That makes me a member. And I’m personally inviting you to join us now.
Check out the sales page I have online right now. Read it carefully, then sign up TODAY while this invitation is still valid.
We’re waiting for you right over here in this nice, comfy boat. There’s good music, plenty of food and fun galore. Stop floating around and take the time to study this page:
It most certainly beats the daylights out of floating around in the water on your back, praying for an island, don’t you think?
See you next week!
Alan R. Bechtold
BBS Press Service, Inc.
‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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