Perry Marshall has released an MP3 about how to “Reverse-Engineer the AdSense system Via Gmail”. The audio MP3 is a discussion between Perry and Harlan Kilsteinon about how the old Google AdWords Success Formulas don’t work anymore and what the new formula is. [AdWords and AdSense MP3]

Perry Marshall has released an MP3 about how to “Reverse-Engineer the AdSense system Via Gmail”.

The audio MP3 is a discussion between Perry and Harlan Kilsteinon about how the old Google AdWords Success Formulas don’t work anymore and what the new formula is.

According to Perry, the audio reveals ‘how Google’s relevancy formulas work’ and how ads can enter the ‘Jet Stream, based on studying Google’s email service’.

Perry Marshall’s Audio: Reverse-Engineer the AdSense system Via Gmail

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