‘Late Breaking Updates on eBay Seller Changes’ by Lisa Suttora
Lisa Suttora has released “Late Breaking Updates on eBay Seller Changes”. Lisa’s information is related to what was discussed at ‘eBay Developer’s Call’ last week that is open only to eBay Certified Providers. [eBay Seller Updates]
Lisa Suttora has released “Late Breaking Updates on eBay Seller Changes”.
Press Release
Late breaking updates on eBay seller changes
I attended the eBay Developer’s Call last week (open only to eBay Certified Providers) and found out a couple pieces of information that had previously not been made public that you’ll want to know about:
1. In May, eBay will go back and retroactively give sellers credit for previous repeat customer feedback. (Not sure yet how far back this repeat feedback credit is going to go. I’ll keep you posted.)
2. The Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs) which will impact your listing’s visibility in the eBay search results will be based on the previous 30 days of DSR rankings.
What this means is that your listing’s visibility will be based on your most current seller ratings as opposed to a static rating. And will reflect a seller’s most current performance.
3. For those of you who use an auction management software product such Channel Advisor, Kyozou etc. – know that these companies are working double time to do all the programming required to keep up with eBay’s announced changes.
Listening to the discussions of the technical issues for 3rd party software providers in light of these new eBay changes was just mind boggling.
But they were all totally on it. I give these companies a lot of credit for the speed and dexterity with which they are responding to eBay’s changes.
If you have specific questions about your software provider, please contact their customer support department directly.
*This news post was submitted by Lisa Suttora.
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