David Perdew has launched ‘The Niche Widget’. According to David Perdew, ‘The Niche Widget’ is a piece of code that can be added to websites, blogs or Web 2.0 social networking sites to sell targeted niche products. [The Niche Widget]

David Perdew has launched ‘The Niche Widget’.

The Niche Widget Sales Letter

The Niche Widget sales letter title:

“Simple Cash Creation System Puts You In Control Of Thousands Of Niche Products With Automated Sales And Instant CASH Payments To Your Account While You Focus On Marketing!”

Features and Benefits

David Perdew says, “This is the most exciting, easiest and most inexpensive system solution you’ll find

Build a monthly recurring income stream automatically by referring new members with the “Make Money With It” button on the widget. As a member, you’ll receive 50% of any paid member fee as long as they remain an active member.

Two-tier product sales commissions on all Free member product sales. Free member gets 50% commission, you as the referrer get 25% commission and the house, that’s me, gets 25% commission.

Watch your affiliate link travel virally with the “Grab This Widget” button. Non-members can still add the widget to their sites, blog, social networking platform automatically with a simple click. Let other people sell product for you too and you get the money!”

More features are listed on The Niche Widget Sales Letter.


Silver Membership is free.

Gold Memberships start from $19.97 per month

Platinum Memberships start from $34.97 per month


The Niche Widget has a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

The Niche Widget

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