Andrew Hansen is launching a blogging software called ‘FirePow’ on Wednesday, April 30. Subscribers to the pre-notification list get free WordPress plugins and free tips, according to Andrew. [FirePow]

Andrew Hansen is launching a blogging software called ‘FirePow’ on Wednesday, April 30.

FirePow Sales Letter

FirePow sign up page title:

Finally Revealed…

“Number 1 Search Rankings… Tidal Waves Of Traffic… High Quality Optimized Content… Niche Domination… Automatic Viral Buzz Generation… Social Media Optimization… Mega Profitable Blogs And Mini Sites… Life Changing Passive Cashflow…


Andrew says, “I want you to enter your name and email below so that you can get:

FREE never before released wordpress plugins to power up your current blogs immediately.

FREE niche marketing and blogging super tips – more traffic, more money – it’s what we all want 🙂

FREE entry to our competitions, giving you the chance to win valuable goodies like…

FREE firepow lifetime access once it’s released plus…

FREE sneak preview video footage of more of the cool features to come…”


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