‘Blog Commenting for Increased Traffic’ – ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Newsletter
Michael Campbell has released the latest issue of ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’. The featured article is titled “Blog Commenting for Increased Traffic”. [Internet Marketing Secrets]
Michael Campbell has released the latest issue of:
Internet Marketing Secrets
Traffic Generation Podcast Part 2
This is the second part of a three part series on generating traffic. In this edition I bring you
interviews with:
SEO specialist Jerry West: http://www.cdzn.com/jwr
Content guru Mike Liebner: http://www.cdzn.com/au
Blogging expert Sherman Hu: http://www.cdzn.com/wpt
Find out Jerry’s favorite methods and tools for generating traffic. Get details on Mike’s strategy for attracting a wide variety of links. And Sherman shares a little known tip, that will syndicate your videos, and split them into five revenue streams.
These guys really do share some inside tips that you won’t get anywhere else… for any price. So if you want to get more traffic, be sure to listen to this podcast several times, and bring your journal along, because you’ll really want to be taking notes during the show.
Subscribe with iTunes: http://www.cdzn.com/it
Download the Podcasts: http://ims.libsyn.com
Blog to Commenting for Traffic
In the podcast series on generating traffic, a favorite method that several gurus use, is commenting on other people’s blogs. Just jumping into the conversation and leaving thoughtful, or provoking comments, can get all sorts of links and traffic headed for your blog.
Now there’s an easier, automated way to find blogs on topics related to yours. It’s a new software package called the “Real Link Finder.”
Just enter a few keywords and it does all the legwork for you. It finds blogs that already have comments – so you know there’s a buzz going on – and you can jump into the conversation. Plus it gets around the prominent “nofollow” in comments, by finding blogs that allow normal hypertext links.
The only thing is doesn’t do is make the comments for you. And trust me, I wouldn’t recommend it if it did, because blog comment spam is not what this tool is about.
What it does do is… find high PR blogs that allow normal links in comments, where there’s already a buzz happening in that community. That in itself is priceless, for the amount of time and effort you’ll save.
And finally, best of all, this tool comes courtesy of Dr. Neil Shearing. There’s nothing for sale on
the page. Go download the Real Link Finder and put it to work.
Get Real Links: http://www.cdzn.com/rlf
Who knows, you might find – like the experts I’ve interviewed – that commenting on blogs is a valuable source of fresh traffic. Plus you’ll get more incoming links, more link popularity and PageRank, that will boost your site in the search engine rankings.
Got Writer’s Block… Feeling Frustrated?
If you’ve ever had writers block, or been faced with a blank page, then here’s where to start. There are over 100 light bulb moments to shine your creative juice, brighter than ever before.
You’ll never get stuck wondering what to write. You’ll explode with ideas and easily create content that people are just dying to read.
This new book by Robin Nobles called, “Content Challenged No More” will have you juiced up and creative again in no time. You’ll learn how to create naturally themed content that readers will bookmark and the search engines will love.
Take it from Robin, when she’s not teaching the Search Engine Workshops, she’s creating drool
worthy content that attracts links, which leads to high search engine rankings… which leads to more links and even higher rankings. Like a natural success spiral that’s within your control.
Now she’ll even show you how she does it. Get the full inside story, from the undisputed queen of SEO:
Get 100 Creative Ideas: http://www.cdzn.com/ccnm
15 Cool Tools and Tasty Tags (Guaranteed to Come in Handy Sooner or Later.)
YuuGuu.com is a screen sharing service that allows anyone anywhere to view your screen and share control of your computer, using a web only app.
Glance.net is another desktop sharing utility, for web demos, presentations and webinars.
GetHuman.com is a listing of over 500 companies with instructions on how to bypass their automation systems (phone hell) and get to a human operator using their customer service numbers.
SocialMarker.com is a social bookmarking tool for WordPress and regular web pages, that allows you to submit more easily to several popular bookmarking services, by pre-populating the submission form with selected information.
SocialPoster.com is a multi bookmark posting service that allows one-click submissions to social bookmarking services and community websites.
OnlyWire.com is a popular multi posting service for social bookmarking sites. Social news sites are – wisely – not included in the automated submissions.
Twitter.com which most people have heard about, is a useful micro blogging utility, which is handy if you need to “talk at” a number of people, with the same message, all at the same time.
PleasantSoftware.com has Ubercaster, which looks like a viable alternative to Apple’s Garageband for assembling podcasts.
Click2Sell.eu is an alternative to Clickbank and Paydotcom, offering services for both advertisers
and publishers.
FindNot.com is a proxy service for anonymous surfing and private IP addresses. Handy if you do a lot of social posting using pen names.
SpyFU.com is a market research tool for PPC, that shows how much your competitors are spending per day, the number of clicks they get, position of their ads, and average cost per click.
Libsyn.com offers unlimited bandwidth for your multimedia files. You only pay a small fee for storage, and can show your movies as often as they get clicked, without worrying about gigabytes transfered or bandwidth considerations.
Apple.com/itunes/tutorials/#podcasts shows how to subscribe to podcasts, get them organized, and sync them with your iPod using iTunes.
TubeTape.com offers affordable green screens for chroma key video effects, plus backdrops, stands and editing software.
YouTube.com/video_toolbox is YouTube’s very own video school, which will help your videos tell a compelling story and look their best online.
Apple.com/quicktime/pro/ is a audio video recorder and converter for Mac and Windows. After producing your media file, import it into QuickTime Pro and choose “export to ipod.” The result is a perfectly compressed video that will play on all video iPods, iPhones, iTunes, Apple TVs and ALL MPEG-4 compatible media players.
What Gets More Traffic than Yahoo and MSN Combined?
It’s well known that my three largest sources of traffic are Google (largely through jiggling the
web), press releases and iTunes. I now have a clear leader in the #4 spot which provides more traffic than MSN, Yahoo and AOL combined.
It’s the eBay, PayPal owned StumbleUpon… which provided me with 444 unique visitors in the first 48 hours. And it’s now on course to bring me thousands of new visitors before the month’s end.
It didn’t take anything special, just a different way of thinking. And it involved doing something
I was doing anyways. Bookmarking sites.
I was doing a little article on copywriting and found myself bookmarking several web pages in my own browser. Then it just kind of dawned on me… what would happen if I social bookmarked all these sites? There must be other people interested in the same things as me.
So, I joined StumbleUpon and snagged their toolbar. That way, any time I saw a page I liked, I could bookmark it without having to leave the page and visit the StumbleUpon site.
The result was way cool… 444 unique visitors in less than 48 hours. Yes, there are a lot of people interested in marketing, seo and copywriting, just like me. Within hours, people were visiting and commenting on the sites that I had bookmarked.
I thought that I’d investigate a handful of the 4.5 million StumbleUpon users and ask them a few
questions. I discovered that most users are very passionate about the site and log on every single day. I wanted to find out… “Why StumbleUpon?”
Stumbler Jenny S. told me, “The sites you find here are way better than Google because your friends are recommending them. It’s easy to find people that like the same types of authors, and that means I don’t waste time reading things I won’t like.”
Stumbler Karl B. told me, “I find the best sites that help me in my line of work. It’s all sorted and
tagged by my colleagues.”
And finally Stumbler Danny C. revealed, “It’s my starting page and my search engine. I get the best info this way! Not just the sites that are the best SEO’d or the best at gaming Google. I get real quality sites that are recommended by my friends.”
Beware Google you silly old hare. 😉 The race isn’t over yet! There’s a new turtle on the horizon
and it’s not the old familiar stragglers like Yahoo, MSN and AOL. It’s a new self-directed, user-tagged, friend-sorted search engine… and it’s sneaking up
right behind you!
So if you’re like most web users and you’re bookmarking sites anyways, why not use social
bookmarking services like StumbleUpon to share what you like?
With 4.5 million fans and growing… StumbleUpon might become new traffic source for you… you might even make some friends in the process. And all it takes to get this traffic, is to click your mouse and bookmark the pages that you really like… how easy is that?
Michael Campbell
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Michael Campbell

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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