‘What is a Domain Name?’ by Kenny Tan
Kenny Tan’s latest ‘Hosting For Wealth’ blog post is titled “What is a Domain Name?”. [Article]
Kenny Tan’s latest ‘Hosting For Wealth’ blog post:
‘What is a Domain Name?’
A domain is a website name that identifies raw IP addresses on the internet to provide each website owner to allow their visitors and customers reaching them by typing a name on the web. Typically domain names are in use to identify Web pages. For instance, for this website URL http://www.hosting4wealth.net/index.html, then the domain name is hosting4wealth.net.
When you register a domain name from a domain name registrar, then the domain name diligence is fully governed and managed by ICANN, an ICANN actually is an governing body responsible for providing the minimum standards and procedures to certify those domain names registrar companies to become a legal and qualified domain name registrars on the internet.
Domain name registration has raised over the years. In fact “Network Solutions” was the first domain name registrar to ever provide such a service on the earlier day. That was more likely over ten years ago but today there are even more licensed registrars to offer the service to public on the web. But if we are going to modify the domain name information, i guess we can’t and only a domain name registrar or it’s authorized reseller is permitted to access and modify the master database domains that are stored on InterNIC servers. The minimum registration fee is actually determined by the registrar as far as getting a domain name and now a days domain names registrar have package up a special domain name pricing together with their services to get more users purchase the domain name through their company.
So now, Do You Really Need a Domain Name?
The reason why you need to use a domain name is a domain name can actually allow you to create an identity and credibility on the World Wide Web and domain names can also be used for branding yourself in purposes, such as Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. So, when picking a domain name, the title should not scattered far from what your company is doing. furthermore, this will allow you to market your web-site as an alternative to promote your business through the world wide web and other than that you can also print your domain name on your business cards and other advertisements programs.
Once you have chosen a domain name, you must register it with a domain name registrar. This is a task you can do easily through the hosting company now a days. Many hosting companies also offer a complete package that includes the hosting plan with domain name registration all in one for you to get started online.
How about the fees?
Actually the fees could be probably either include in the package for yearly plan or set as a one time set-up fee for all of the backend technical services that needs to be carried out. You can then pay to your hosting service provider a monthly, semi-annual or annual fee for Web site hosting services.
Today, there are many domain registrar services are competing each others with their online tools to help you get your domain name and hosting website up and running within 24 hours.
Are you looking for an affordable, cheap and reliable shared web hosting, reseller web hosting or master reseller web hosting? Please visit http://www.hosting4wealth.net to read more details about hosting plans.
‘What is a Domain Name?’
Hosting For Wealth
*This blog post was submitted by Kenny Tan.
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