Quentin Brown has released a free ‘Amazon Storage Video’. According to Quentin, ‘Throughput’ is more important than bandwidth when considering webhosting. [Amazon Storage Video]

Quentin Brown has released a free ‘Amazon Storage Video’.

Press Release

Quentin Brown Releases Free Amazon Storage Video

Today Quentin Brown released a free video explaining how to use Amazons Simple Storage solution.

Mr Brown commented that he noticed on many forums that people were confused and not being able to take advantage of this system even though they had set up an account with Amazon S3.

Mr Brown not only shows how to use the system but also a way to lock down your videos to prevent bandwidth theft.

The main reason for this being the different terminology such as buckets and ACL verification which in reality is folder and CHMOD respectively.

One thing to realize about bandwidth on a shared hosting, and even most VPS, is bandwidth is not your only concern.

Throughput is key.

The mid level croc hosting at Hostgator offers 6,000GB of bandwidth. At $7.95 per month that’s $.0013 per GB. Why would you want to pay $.15 per GB or more?


You typically get 256KB/s – 3MB/s throughput shared among all users accessing your site. With video this causes a bottleneck very quickly.

If you really hit it hard there is another bottleneck as your server experiences the exponential inverse relationship in marginal performance measured as performance per user.

In other words, each user reduces the performance of the server by a greater amount than the previous user did, and the difference grows larger with each new user as well.

There comes a point where users are denied access, or the server “melts”.

With the S3 service you get the reliability and QOS that Amazon enjoys due to a complicated system of shared resources.

If your interested to see how simple it is to use this system then you can watch the video at:



Quentin Brown’s Free Amazon Storage Video


*This news post was submitted by Quentin Brown.

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