‘Difference Between Affiliate Marketing Success and Failure’ ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ Newsletter
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article is titled “Difference Between Affiliate Marketing Success and Failure”. [Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter]
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article:
Difference Between Affiliate Marketing Success and Failure
Do you know the biggest difference between affiliate marketing success and failure? Can you name the one factor that spells the difference between serious income and infinite frustration?
There’s one aspect to the whole affiliate marketing process that has a greater bearing on achievement than all others. What is it?
It’s program selection. That’s the critical first step to making money as an affiliate marketer. If you’re interested in pursuing affiliate marketing, you simply have no choice but to learn how to
choose the right products and programs to promote. If you don’t master those lessons, you’ll never reach your full potential.
Picking the right products is simple, though, right? All you have to do is find something that looks good or that is right in your “wheelhouse” and that offers a nice chunky commission, right? If you approach affiliate marketing with that attitude, you’re doomed.
Choosing the right programs isn’t necessarily rocket science, but it isn’t quite that simple, either. Sure, it’s nice to work with a program that mirrors your understanding and interest. Of course a big commission is great. Those are only two of many factors to consider, however.
What does the sales page look like? What is the competition offering? What is the target demographic really like and is this what they really want? Is the program offering affiliate support materials? Is there a secondary means of generating sales if the prospect doesn’t click the “buy now” link on the sales page?
There are other questions, too. Those are just the beginning.
If you choose the right product, affiliate marketing becomes simple. You drive targeted traffic to the sales page and collect checks as the prospects make purchases. Isn’t that an incredibly
elegant moneymaking system?
If you choose the wrong product, affiliate marketing gets tough. It becomes harder to secure traffic. The traffic you send may not be in a buying mood. The sales page might not anyone. Problem after problem will manifest. Isn’t that a mess?
If you took the top 100 affiliates in the history of Internet marketing and profiled them all carefully, you’d soon learn that they all have one skill in common. They all have the ability to
assess product and program quality. They know which opportunities to back and they’re ready to run from the weaker ones.
You can continue to guess about programs. You can rely on hunches or a quick check of a product’s ClickBank gravity. Some days, you might get lucky and snag a few sales. Most of the time, however, you will be underachieving.
If, however, you take the time to learn about choosing the right programs, you can experience an avalanche of affiliate earnings. When you master the one skill that separates affiliate success from IM failure, you’ll be ready to reach (and exceed) your objectives!
To Your Affiliate Marketing Success!
Read More About Building Your Affiliate Marketing Email List
David Cooper
Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank David Cooper for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter.
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