Kelvin Hui’s latest blog post is titled “Is Selling Physical Products a Profitable Business?”. [Blog]

Kelvin Hui’s latest blog post:

Is Selling Physical Products a Profitable Business?

Kelvin Hui says, “My answer is “right”.

Compared to software or ebook, the profit margin of selling physical products is definitely lower. However, the entry level is higher compared to the digital stuff which can be done by any people.

Like what I said in my book Traffic Manuscript II, one of our partnership website, it made us 560K USD net profit last year. The profit margin is average 55%. The profit, it’s better than selling an ebook for sure.

One of the reasons I move to China, it’s because I can investigate the right product items to sell on the internet. Since I’m a local Chinese, it’s definitely an advantage.

I sincerely suggest you to rethink your internet business model. Making money by Adsense or any PPC, or selling digital products, they are NOT your only choice!

Keep in touch”.

Is Selling Physical Products a Profitable Business?

Kelvin Hui’s ‘Ambatch’ Blog

*This blog post was submitted by Kelvin Hui.

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