Brad Smith and Guido Nussbaum are launching the ‘Easter JV Giveaway 2008’ on Wednesday, March 19. During the giveaway Brad & Guido will offer personally reviewed ebooks and softwares. The giveaway will end on March 31. [Easter JV Giveaway 2008]

Brad Smith and Guido Nussbaum are going to launch the ‘Easter JV Giveaway 2008’ on Wednesday, March 19.

Easter JV Giveaway 2008 Registration Page

The sign up page title:

“Welcome to the Easter JV Giveaway 2008

Our Gifts to you for the Holiday Season

Here you can find hundreds of products ranging from ebooks, software, graphic materials for web site creation, audios, and perhaps videos… For Free!”

Brad & Guido say, “For the third year running, Easter JV Giveaway is now taking contributors. The event officially launches on 19th March and is expected to have at least 500,000 visitors over the Easter period.”

During the giveaway Brad & Guido will offer personally reviewed ebooks and softwares.

The giveaway will end on March 31.

Easter JV Giveaway 2008

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