‘Simple Ways to Write Dynamic Copy’ – ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ Newsletter
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article is titled “Simple Ways to Write Dynamic Copy.” [Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter]
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article:
‘Simple Ways to Write Dynamic Copy’
Learning how to write effective copy is one of the most important skills any internet marketer can learn. As an internet marketer, most of your communication with your prospects is done through your written word. If you are not effectively getting your message across to your audience, then you are not going to have much success in your online marketing endeavors.
So, what can you do to become a more effective copywriter:
1. Understand Your Target Market. The best copywriters in the business will not sit down and begin writing unless they know EXACTLY who they are writing for. You should write in a way that speaks to ONE person. You want to keep that single person in mind at all times during the writing process. A big mistake many affiliate marketers make is that they are trying to reach too many people at once with their copywriting efforts. When you try to reach too many prospects with your copy you ultimately end up missing your true target market and not really reaching anyone. So, Tip number 1 is this, before you start writing find out who it is you are trying to reach and keep your writing focused on speaking to that one person.
2. Write Intriguing Headlines. This is easier said than done for many marketers. Write crystal clear headlines to start your reader on their journey. The main headline should be big and bold. The headline has to grab your reader by the eyeballs. Never underestimate the power of your headline. Your headline can make or break the rest of your copy.
Focus on the benefits of your product in the headline. The headline should explain in powerfully written detail how the product or service, you are promoting, can solve the reader’s problem.
Sub-headlines are also very important. Your sub-headlines should be used like crumbs of bread spread throughout the copy for your hungry reader. Use sub-headlines to guide your reader on their journey through your copy. Use your sub-headlines to keep the reader’s interest and intrigue heightened from start to finish.
3. Big Words Don’t Impress! Stay away from the big words. Writing for internet readers is not the same as writing for your 12th grade English teacher. Put the text books away and try to forget all those rules you learned in school about writing. Writing for the web should convey a casual tone. Writing for the web needs to show the reader a clear purpose and convey some type of emotion.
You have probably heard this before, but you really want to write as if you were sitting down with that person and chatting to them over a cup of coffee.
So, leave the big words in the dictionary and stay away from long winded adjectives. If you don’t, you risk boring your prospects and losing them forever.
4. Sell Ice to Eskimos! Are you Persuasive? You need to be. It’s all well and good that you love the product you are promoting but you are also biased. Your prospective customers want to hear about the product from unbiased individuals who have actually used and benefited from the product.
Testimonials from customers are usually good. Not just any testimonial will do though. The testimonials need to be informative. The more information that can be included, the more believable it will be.
When using testimonials, always include the person’s name, city, state, and website URL. If you can get them to provide you with a picture that is icing on the cake. A picture will make the testimonial more personal.
Again, the more information you can include in the testimonial the more believable and persuasive it will be to your readers.
5. You may be a Prince or Princess, but this is NOT about you!
Writing effective copy means you have to concern yourself with the needs, wants, and desires of the prospective customer. Yes, you are the writer, but you really don’t matter. You may want to add some personal information about yourself to help gain trust and instill confidence in your prospects and that’s perfectly fine. Of course, the reason for doing that is to let them know what you can do for THEM!
Proofread your copy. How many times do you use the word “˜I’. If it’s more than a couple then you seriously need to consider doing a major revision. Change all of those “˜I’s’ to “You’.
Everything you write should be geared to and be about your prospective customer.
6. Don’t Forget to Call Your Visitor. No, I don’t mean to call them on the phone. Give them a call to action! You have to take your visitors by the hand and let them know exactly what it is you want them to do.
If you want them to click on a link to make a purchase, tell them that in a way that is clear, concise, and promotes the benefits they will receive from purchasing and using the product. “Clear here to learn how you can stop smoking today and live a longer, healthier life”.
Remember to be clear and precise with your wording. Never assume that your visitor will know what to do next. Always include a call to action for your visitor to take.
David Cooper
Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank David Cooper for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter.
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