‘Throw Out All Governors!’ – E-Wealth Report
Alan R. Bechtold has released the latest issue of E-Wealth Report. This featured article is titled “Throw Out All Governors!”. [E-Wealth Report]
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.
Throw Out All Governors!
If you started reading this and expected to see a political discourse on the Elliot Spitzer affair, I want to tell you that’s not what this is about. No sense just disappointing you before you’ve even begun reading.
I’m referring to a different kind of governor entirely.
One activity I used to really enjoy with my kids was taking them to the go-kart track. We had a couple of really nice ones in Topeka when they were growing up. Every time we went go-karting, the kids had a blast, laughing maniacally as they chased me around the track, forcing me into the hay bales and rubber tires that lined the course every chance they got.
I won’t say I “let” them beat me. Many times I struggled mightily just to stay on-course. But, they sure had satisfying grins on their faces every time they managed to cross the “finish line” first, so it never bothered me.
One thing always frustrated me, though. The operators of those tracks put governors on the go-karts. These kept the go-karts from moving at a speed that was greater than probably 20-25 miles an hour.
My son was heavily into go-karts and all things mechanical. I soon learned from him that the go-karts people raced on REAL tracks were capable of moving along at up to EIGHTY miles an hour!
After that, whenever we went to those family go-kart track, I have to admit I was always a bit disappointed. I would push the pedal to the floor, but my kart would only go up to a certain speed, then it would SLOW DOWN!
As all the governors were never set at exactly the same speed, this also made winning the race a matter of simply picking the faster go-kart.
Chances are better than excellent you’ve got one or more governors working on your life every minute of every day, too, setting limits on what you can achieve and even on your enjoyment of and continued access to the rewards from what you’ve achieved in the past. Just like the limits set on those go-karts, you can push forward, work long hours, do all the right things to build your business and then, just when things start flowing nicely, that governor is capable of throttling your success right back down, far below where you ever wanted to be.
These internal governors of ours are constant and persistant. Most were planted in our brains when we were toddlers, by people who had the best intentions for us. But – we also feed these governors fresh fuel when we read, watch television or movies and interract with other people.
Ever hear or say the term “filthy rich?” Do you realize this term comes from a point of view that BEING rich somehow automatically taints a person? And it leads to a limiting internal governor that believes becoming rich will somehow taint YOU.
So – just as success starts coming your way, rather than building on your success and growing exponentially, beyond your wildest dreams, something inside you forces you to find a way – any way you can – to throttle it all back down.
Can you see how holding this belief, even subliminally, can actually cause you to sabotage your own success just when you’re getting truly close to reaching it?
That’s your mind, kicking a governor in to PROTECT you from turning ugly like all those filthy rich people!
I believe these internal throttles control us all – until we realize they are there and start re-programming our messages to ourselves.
Whenever you catch yourself saying (or even THINKING) such things as “With MY luck,” or “that’s MORE than enough,” or whenever you start feeling there’s a limit to the size of the “pie” we’re all fighting for, try and stop yourself . Re-think it. Re-state your thought in a positive, empowering way.
Watch ALL of your thoughts this way. Reframe any and all that appear to be governors waiting to pounce.
When you watch a movie where the poor folks are the heroes (nothing wrong with that) and they’re “good” and “pure” while the “evil wrong-doers” are the rich folks – laugh at the stereotype. Enjoy the fiction of the film, but also wave away the CONCEPTS as pure fiction. Repeat this to yourself if you have to.
The point is to remind yourself constantly that it’s not money or success that makes anyone automatically bad. Poverty doesn’t, either. In either case, it’s how you handle it.
Some people who build wealth for themselves turn ugly and mean-spirited. Others build businesses that create jobs and employ people and provide their communities with additional services and tax dollars.
Some unfortunately poor people resort to crime to pay their bills. Others are driven even harder to succeed – so they can then return their good fortune on other people who were where they were before they achieved success.
To really open up the throttle on your success, try planning and visualizing right now the good you’ll do with the millions you know are yours for the taking and that will result from your dedicated efforts. Pick a favorite cause or charity. Maybe it’s your church. Put yourself into the picture and feel the emotions you know you’ll feel when you have so much money flowing your way from your tremendous success that you can gleefully hand over 10% or 20% or even more of what you have, to make the world a better place.
This kind of thinking, that you’re doing all this for a cause far greater than your own, that you want and deserve to be wealthy precisely because you know you ARE a worthy vessel who will make the most of vast riches to make other peoples’ lives better while you enrich your own. You’ll find that your internal governor might try to throttle you down, but every time it tries, it will fail.
Eventually, it will fade away entirely. And you’ll be free to hit the finish line running full-speed ahead.
My gift to you this week is the gift of discovery. I want you to discover a way you can make some tremendous amounts of money – by duplicating a mistake someone I know made that brought in $1,5880.47 in three hours’ of his spare time.
Because of this mistake, Jorge Arguello went from frustrated musician to open-handed philanthropist. Now Jorge’s giving away his complete system to the first hundred people responding to his offer.
See you next week!
Alan R. Bechtold
BBS Press Service, Inc.
‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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