Alan R. Bechtold has released the latest issue of E-Wealth Report Volume 3, Issue 11. This featured article is titled “Constantly Maturing.” [E-Wealth Report]

Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 11.

Constantly Maturing

The Internet is constantly maturing. Anyone who believes it’s all behind us now, that all online opportunities are already over-crowded and closed, should seriously think again.

Proof is at hand that the Internet and the World Wide Web are still in their infancy, still maturing. And we’ve got a LOT more change and growth to go before it gets anywhere near fully mature.

In the past five years, we’ve seen the advent of blogs, social networking sites, online video and much more. Some of it completely unforseen.

Just today, I read an article in Network Marketing Business Journal about a new device called the TVBoxNet. This is now available, being sold through a network marketing system. It easily ties the Internet to your living room (or any room) television, so you can watch online videos in your easy chair.

Europe has long enjoyed IPTV, which utilizes the Internet to bring cable channels and broadcast channels to viewers’ televisions that are hooked up through a special device.

Now, apparently, TVBoxNet will do the same, proclaiming there are no monthly fees for viewing. Just buy the box and watch.

It’s still not clear to me how there are no monthly fees associated with using TVBoxNet – apparently this device doesn’t yet connect you to the cable channels like IPTV does. But, it surely connects you to the literally millions of OTHER video broadcasts and libraries currently available on the Web.

When I first heard about IPTV, I predicted the cable companies of the world would have to sit back and accept the fact that, soon, they’ll become little more than providers of ultra-high-speed Internet services. Why pay the cable company monthly fees to bring you channels you can now get with just their Internet service and a box connected to your television?

It will also spell the end to the “package” deals we’re now forced to swallow from our cable companies. Presumably, you’ll eventually be able to pick only the channels you particularly enjoy watching and skip all the “junk” channels you’re now forced to take as a part of a cable package – though surely there will be packages, too.

Anyway – the point of this is that the Internet continues to evolve. New services and ways to reach potential customers arrive almost daily.

Want proof the Internet is still maturing?

Ever hear of The Grid?

In an online Fox News story, CERN, the laboratory that originally created the Internet we know today, announced it has developed an entirely NEW Internet. They call it “The Grid.”

This new network utilizes ultra-fast fiber optics to deliver data up to 10,000 times FASTER than the current Internet is capable of delivering at its current top speeds.

10,000 FASTER.

And, on the Internet, faster delivery always means additional, exciting services, expanded capabilities and, especially, more video!

Using this new network, CERN claims a user will be able to download an entire full-length high-definition movie in a couple of MINUTES.

So – it’s definitely NOT too late to get started. The power the Internet places into average peoples’ hands, to surpass their wildest dreams by reaching the entire world with their written words and broadcast, spoken and video messages, is only going to continue to grow and evolve.

YOU can tap it now.

YOU can start today.

I won’t say it’s never too late. But it’s definitely NOT too late yet to tap the Internet and get your own business rolling online in a BIG way. Then you’ll have room to grow for many years to come.

Get in now and you’ll be positioning yourself to be one of the early pioneers in this NEW Internet that’s a few years down the road yet.

It’s like being NBC when televisions were just starting to hit most homes and broadcasting was getting easier and better all the time.

Now YOU can be your own NBC!

What are you waiting for? Get started!

Here’s the PERFECT way to get started with your own online business right now.

I know – I usually bring you free gifts each issue. This time, I bring you the gift of tapping the Internet to grow your own business – the RIGHT way.

It’s not free. I’m sorry about that. But it is extremely inexpensive. So inexpensive it’s unbelieveable what you’ll learn.

What I have for you is a DVD of a presentation I gave where I cover the key to generating all the money you ever wanted or needed on the Internet. Easily. Inexpensively (free if you wish). Reliably.

And there’s a special CD I’ve thrown in. Also free.

The catch? I said it’s not entirely free and I would be lying to you if it was. I do ask that you pay a small $9.95 shipping and handling charge. But – if you do, there are more than $300 in OTHER bonus goodies you’ll get, in addition to my new DVD and CD package…all for the same $9.95 shipping and handling.

Check it out here:

I Want Alan’s FREE DVD and CD NOW!

I’ve ONLY offered this amazing DVD for free to participants in my Great Email Experiment (and I haven’t even sent the offer to them, yet). You get a chance to grab it first.

You won’t regret it.

Alan R. Bechtold


BBS Press Service, Inc.

‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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