Gina Gaudio-Graves has launched ’30-Day Challenge’. According to Gina, at the end of the 30 days, you will have: Developed a “Success Mindset”, Set up a hosting account, Set up a blog, and Set up at least 2 products that people can purchase. [30-Day Challenge]

Gina Gaudio-Graves has launched ’30-Day Challenge’.

’30-Day Challenge’ Sales Letter

’30-Day Challenge’ sales letter title:

“30 Day Crash Course:

Building Your Business Using The Power of The Internet”

Features and Benefits

Gina Gaudio-Graves says, “During the next 30 days, I’ll be providing you with a series of lessons through which you will learn how to:

– Have a “Success Mindset” that will help you succeed in spite of any challenges you may have in your life

– Use Goal Setting to Set Up Your Strategic Plan

– Choose a profitable niche based on your passions

– Set up a profit-pulling “Profit Funnel” for your business that will allow you to maximize the lifetime value of your customers

– Create and Use Free Reports to generate leads

– Generate Cash With Affiliate Products while you’re building your Strategic Plan

– Write Powerful Copy that Sells … even if you’re not a copywriter and can barely write a word

– Set Up Your Blog and Use it as the Heart of Your Traffic Generation System to sell ANYTHING you want

– Drive Traffic and Build Relationships Through Social Marketing and Web 2.0

– Use Info Products as Sales Generators for ALL your products

– Use Joint Ventures to get ANY Asset You Need In Your Business … from list building to product creation to product launch success!

– and much, MUCH more!”

Mechanics of the 30 Day Challenge

Gina Gaudio-Graves says, “To be eligible for the Challenge, each week, you must visit the Forum and tell the group:

1. What you learned that week

2. What action you took that week (make sure that you include URL’s so that we can check out your work and cheer you on!), and

3. What results you got that week

At the beginning of the Challenge, you must visit the Forum and introduce yourself. In your introduction, tell us:

1. Who you are

2. How much experience you have in building a business using the power of the internet

3. What niche you plan on entering (if you know already)

4. What results (if any) you are already getting in your business

Failure to make the required posts in the Forum will make you ineligible for any of the prizes.”

More features are listed on ’30-Day Challenge’ Sales Letter.


There will be 3 winners of the 30 Day Challenge:

– CHALLENGE WINNER ““”Most Improved Entrepreneur” – a Complimentary Seat in The IM University’s 1-Year Apprenticeship Program! Prize Value: $5,000

– CHALLENGE FIRST RUNNER UP – “Massive Action Taker” – one month of one-on-one coaching Prize Value: $1,000

– CHALLENGE SECOND RUNNER UP – “Internet Entrepreneur” – one-hour consultation and critique Prize Value: $500

’30-Day Challenge’

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