‘How To Easily Add Some Personality To Your Website’ by Jennifer Haubein
Jennifer Haubein’s latest article is titled “How To Easily Add Some Personality To Your Website”. [Article]
Jennifer Haubein’s latest article:
How To Easily Add Some Personality To Your Website
The integration of audio/visual elements into your website will easily capture your website visitor’s attention. Animating your website is not as difficult as you might think. What about adding an animated character? Animated characters not only add some personality to your website, but also help you increase your bottom line.
Easily answer your visitor’s questions- With my animated character’s FAQ feature you can easily answer your customer’s questions about your products or services. Your animated character will speak the answer to their questions. This is much better than a non-interactive FAQ page. When potential customers are determining whether to purchase an item or service, they have several questions. Let your animated character be your virtual salesclerk and answer all their questions with a virtual smile.
Increase your newsletter sign-ups- If you have a newsletter sign-up box on your website adding an animated character will most likely double your newsletter sign-ups. The animated character can direct your website visitors to the desired action, signing up for your newsletter. In a recent 2007 case study by Small Business Trends, their newsletter signups more than doubled and they saw 144% increase in conversion rate.
Establish a bond with your first time website visitors- To your first time website visitors you are a stranger. An animated character designed like you and using your voice creates an instant bond with your website visitors. We buy from those we know, like, and trust. So the more you reveal yourself on your website the better. Some small business owners make the mistake of looking like a big company instead of revealing themselves. Big companies spend millions of dollars on spokespeople. But you already have a great spokesperson, you!
Better than a static picture- It’s great to have your picture on the website, but in addition to your picture add a little animation. An animated character interacts with your website visitors and adds a level a static picture cannot provide.
Increase time spent on website- Most website visitors spend about 3-5 seconds on a website. That’s it 3-5 seconds! But by adding an animated character to your website you can help increase the amount of time your website visitors spend on your site. The more time they spend on your website the better.
Direct visitors through your website- An animated character can help direct your website visitors through your site. Pointing them to pages they should visit or actions they should take. An animated character is like a virtual tour guide, helping people through the different pages of your website.
If you would like to see an example of an animated character in action you can check out my website at www.bestbizwebsitesolutions.com.
*This article was submitted by Jennifer Haubein.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Jennifer Haubein for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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