‘How We Use Twitter for Journalism’ – Read/WriteWeb Blog Post
‘Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post is titled “How We Use Twitter for Journalism”. [Read/WriteWeb Blog]
Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post:
How We Use Twitter for Journalism
How useful can communication limited to 140 characters be for serious journalism? It turns out that the short messages you find on Twitter have proven wildly useful for some writers penning larger pieces.
Social Tools for the Office Worker: How to Subvert I.T. and Play at Work
We can’t all eat, breathe, and live social media 24×7, as much as we might like to. Some of have day jobs that require a bit of our attention, too. And unlike the web-app embracing startups we read about, the policies at more traditional companies actually discourage mindless web surfing, tweeting, facebooking, and the like.
Study: Social Networks Mirroring Reality TV
New research from the University of Buffalo and University of Hawaii concludes that young people who watch reality TV are more likely to accept a large number of unknown friends and to post photos of themselves on social networking sites than their peers who do not watch shows like American Idol and Survivor.
About Read/WriteWeb
Read/WriteWeb is a popular weblog that provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis. It began publishing on April 20, 2003 and is now one of the most widely read and respected Web 2.0 blogs. Read/WriteWeb is ranked among Technoratis Top 100 blogs in the world. The site is edited by Richard MacManus, a recognized thought leader in the Internet industry.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Read/WriteWeb for granting permission to reprint an excerpt of the latest RSS Feed.
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