Alvin Phang’s latest blog post is titled “Top 5 Reasons Why People Refund Products”. [Blog]

Alvin Phang’s latest blog post:

Top 5 Reasons Why People Refund Products

Alvin says, “I was reading through my emails (2,000+ of them) and I got to admit no one is perfect in this world even I do get unhappy customers sometimes too 🙂 I thought of sharing this information as I felt it would be important for people who are thinking of creating digital products.

A digital product listed on Clickbank normally gets a refund rate range of 5 to 15% in any form of online product that is sold. There are in some cases the refund rate do get as high as 90% sometimes so do not be fooled by big Gurus they sold lots of products but their refund rates sometimes can be rather high 😛

Anyway I have been selling digital products for more then 2 years and I would like to share with you some insides the top 5 reasons why people refund products. To read further what the reason are you can view the blog post at…”

Top 5 Reasons Why People Refund Products

Alvin Phang’s Blog

*This news post was submitted by Alvin Phang.

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