‘Article Marketing is a Fantastic Way to Build Your Business’ – ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ Newsletter
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article is titled “Article Marketing is a Fantastic Way to Build Your Business.” [Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter].
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article:
Day 6 of “Dynamic Marketing Ideas for Your Internet Business”
Article Marketing is a Fantastic Way to Build Your Business
Every single internet business owner can benefit from article marketing. It doesn’t matter if you provide a service, sell a product, market information or are involved in direct sales or affiliate marketing. Article marketing is a fantastic way to build your business.
Article Marketing enables businesses the opportunity to:
1. Increase awareness and exposure. The advertising and marketing rule of thumb says it takes 3 to 7 exposures for brand recognition. That means if someone sees something related to your business, an article, your logo, an online ad, a few times, then you’ll become part of their conscious. Think about how many McDonald’s commercials you saw as a kid. Whether you like McDonalds or not, it’s likely the first thing you think of when someone says fast food. Article marketing helps you reach your customers and potential customers several times.
2. Drive traffic to your website. Each article you write will have a bio box. Your bio will include a link to your website. If you include a little teaser at the end of your article then your reader’s may click through to your website to learn more about your business and what you have to offer. Additionally some article directories allow text links within the body of the article ““ this practice has proven to be extremely effective in driving traffic to a website.
3. Win new customers. Whether your business is brand new or you’ve been in business for decades, you will undoubtedly gain new customers from article marketing.
4. Article Marketing is free. 99% of the article directories are free. A few offer upgrade services that offer a few features you may be interested in. Even if you choose to pay for these features your ROI is still going to be very high.
5. Article marketing is a win-win opportunity. You win by increasing your exposure with a free marketing tool and your customers win because they benefit from your knowledge.
To get started, write a few articles, or modify content from reports or books you’ve written. Choose a few directories which cater to your industry and which have a large number of visitors and publish your articles there.
Remember to always track the results for certain articles to determine which type of article gets the most traffic. Many times “tips” or “how to” articles are easiest to write and are very popular online.
David Cooper
Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank David Cooper for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ article.
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