‘Improve Customer Relations with Joint Ventures’ – ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ Newsletter
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article is titled “Improve Customer Relations with Joint Ventures” [Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter]
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article:
‘Improve Customer Relations with Joint Ventures’
Day 11 of Dynamic Marketing Ideas for Your Internet Business
Improve Customer Relations with Joint Ventures
Joint ventures can be an excellent marketing tool because when you partner with a relevant business you can double your exposure. Joint venture partnerships also help to create better customer relationships. Offering your customers a new opportunity, new product, or new service with a well respected partner gives you instant credibility. Not only are you viewed as a respected business owner, but one that has their customers in mind. They will appreciate the fact that you have taken the time and effort to find and present high quality opportunities to them.
Using Cross promotions can help build your subscriber list. In day 10 we mentioned partnering with a relevant business to create a contest or giveaway. This type of cross promotion drives traffic to your website and if you both promote the contest to your lists then your exposure is doubled. Another type of cross promotion is to exchange lists, exchange advertising space in a newsletter or directly on the company website or to exchange links.
When it comes to online joint venture partnerships, there really isn’t a downside. You get the opportunity to make your customer’s happy, you build your list, you increase your product base, and you make money. It’s all good!
Marketing is the oxygen that keeps your business breathing and alive. While there are a number of marketing tools, not all of them are right for every business. Choose a tool based on your customers and prospects needs rather than your needs. Let me say that again, “Choose a tool based on your customers and prospects needs rather than your needs”.
For example, if you’re catering to a young market then social networking and podcasting may be right at the top of your list, however if you’re marketing to an older demographic then newsletters may be the desired mode of communication.
The best and most effective way to implement any new marketing tool into your current marketing strategy is to cross promote them. For example if you are already have a newsletter and are considering podcasting, announce the podcast in your newsletter.
Highlight podcast topics, tell them how to listen, and then when you podcast, mention your newsletter and how people can get on your email list.
Effective marketing is a process, it is a comprehensive strategy that communicates your passion for your business, and the benefits of buying your products or services, on a regular basis. Evaluate your strategy regularly and take the time to incorporate a few new marketing tools occasionally to keep things fresh.
Learn More About Joint Ventures
I hope you have enjoyed “Dynamic Marketing Ideas for Your Internet Business”.
David Cooper
Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank David Cooper for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter.
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