‘Do You SEO?’ – ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ Newsletter
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article is titled “Do You SEO?” [Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter]
David Cooper’s latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter article:
‘Do You SEO?’
Did you ever wonder how many business websites are out there that no one even knows about? I don’t have any exact statistics but it has to be tons. These “marooned” sites get very little traffic and other than the owner, hardly anyone views them. This has to be one of the worst things that can happen to an online business owner. Is this you? If it is, then read on.
The above scenario is exactly why SEO is extremely important to creating an online presence for your business.
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Through Search Engine Optimization you seduce the search engines to not only recognize your website, but to rank it fairly high when people conduct searches on their search word or phrases.
Almost everyone has gone to a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, or many others and searched for something on the internet. When you conduct a search you are trying to find the best results for the word or phrase that you typed into the search box. You don’t want to sort through a lot of junk. You are looking for websites that are relevant to what you are searching for.
When people are browsing and searching on the internet they very rarely look past page one of the search results. I do this myself. Every once in a while, however, I will look at the second or third pages but most of the time I can find what I am looking for on the top page of results. The first page of search results is where you want to find your website. This is where we all want to be. Bottom line is this. You want your optimization to be very good, so that your website can be more easily found by potential customers.
How do you increase your visibility on the internet? Using keywords and keyword phrases that are more easily recognized by search engines is a good place to start increasing your visibility. Because of this, your webpage titles should be short, and you want to use keywords that the average person would type into the search box. For example, if you are writing a content related article about maple syrup, the word “maple syrup” should appear enough times in the article that it has a chance to appear at or near the top of the search engine findings. The more times a keyword is used in an article, the greater the chances of the search engines finding it.
Now, what is considered enough times? This is up for much debate. In order to not be penalized for keyword stuffing it is probably a good idea not to use your keyword or phrase more than 1 to 3% of the time in the article. It’s not always about the number of occurences of your keyword or phrase either. Where you place the words on your page and within your content is also an extremely important component of search engine optimization. Seems complicated huh?
There is a ton more to SEO than just choosing the right keywords and using them a certain percentage of the time in your content. Learning the intricacies of Search Engine Optimization will be very useful to small businesses and large companies alike. Creating more organic traffic to your website gives you at least an opportunity to make more sales. Today, more and more business owners are becoming SEO savvy. They see the value that SEO has to offer. They are using search engine optimization to get their websites ranked high in the search results. Today, competition is keen for the top three spots in the various search engines results lists.
One recommendation I can give you with regards to SEO is to always read over your content and edit it before going live with it on your site. Edit out any unnecessary words or phrases. Keep your content articles tightly focused and somewhere between 400 and 500 words in length.
A second recommendation is to find a niche or focus for your website content that will allow you to separate your website from the crowd. Combine this with good solid SEO and you give yourself a chance to score well with the search engines. It does not matter if you are using article content, eBooks, videos, podcasts, or special reports. With regards to getting your site listed higher in the search engines you have to be a little bit better or at least a little bit different than the masses.
There are a number of good websites and programs on the Internet that can teach you the basics of search engine optimization and the benefits of using SEO to increase traffic to your website. Investigate and learn as much about search engine optimization as you can. You don’t have to be an expert, but you can certainly learn some fundamentals that you can apply to optimize your site.
Lastly, take advantage of your niche. Use keywords and phrases that pertain to your niche in your articles and throughout your website. When someone needs to find you or your business, they simply can enter keywords or keyword phrases that are specific to your niche and if you have learned your SEO lessons well, voila – you will put your website right in their path.
David Cooper
Affiliate Avalanche Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank David Cooper for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Affiliate Avalanche’ newsletter.
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