Dan Kennedy has launched ‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’. According to Dan, Infusionsoft, the only software system ever endorsed by Dan Kennedy, and the one running the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle business — is sponsoring this 4-city seminar tour. [‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’]

Dan Kennedy has launched ‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’.

‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’ Sales Letter

‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’ sales letter title:

“Dan Kennedy’s
4-Cities in 4-Days
Sponsored and Presented by
Automated Follow-up Marketing”

More About ‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’

Infusionsoft, the only software system ever endorsed by Dan Kennedy, and the one running the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle business — is sponsoring this 4-city seminar tour.

Dan says, “At the Seminar, I will present dozens of current, actual, true-life examples from a very diverse range of real businesses (mine, my clients’, my coaching Members’ and others) of which I have intimate and in-depth knowledge — NO theory, NO ‘book reports’ – with direct application to yours and ANY business, that show you how to attack the known or concealed flaws in your follow-up marketing, so as to instantly make every ad dollar you now spend more productive, every lead or prospect you now have or obtain more responsive, and every customer, client or patient more valuable, FIVE ways.”

‘Fix Your Follow-Up Tour’

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