‘Video Profits To Be Had From The New Adobe Acrobat 9 Release!’ by Marc Liron
Marc Liron’s latest blog post is titled “Video Profits To Be Had From The New Adobe Acrobat 9 Release!” [Blog]
Marc Liron’s latest blog post:
Video PROFITS To Be Had From The NEW Adobe Acrobat 9 Release!
Marc says, “After waiting for 3 years Adobe have now finally released a version of Adobe Acrobat that supports the embedding and linking of Flash video in the PDF format.
This has HUGE implications for the Internet Marketer wanting to engage with prospect and customers alike.
By using .FLV and .SWF files (..even H.264) you can make your eBooks, product guides, PDF newsletters, etc, come alive!
This has NEVER been possible before without relying on the use of an external media player on the end users computer.
From release 9, and onwards, Acrobat now supports Flash video and so can play natively within the document.
This has only been possible since the 1st of July 2008, so be the FIRST in YOUR market to start delivering rich media eBooks etc.
Microsoft MVP, Marc Liron, has written a comprehensive article (with examples) that should inspire the Internet marketing community into action!”
Video PROFITS To Be Had From The NEW Adobe Acrobat 9 Release!
*This news post was submitted by Marc Liron.
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