‘5 Factors to Successfully Market to Women: The Flirt Factor’ – Morgan-Ferrero’s ‘Copywriting TNT’ Newsletter
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero has released the latest issue of ‘Copywriting TNT’ newsletter Volume 6, Issue 30 article. The featured article is titled “5 Factors to Successfully Market to Women: The Flirt Factor.” [eZine Article]
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero’s ‘Copywriting TNT’ Newsletter Volume 6, Issue 30 article:
‘5 Factors to Successfully Market to Women: The Flirt Factor’
Men and women have been trying to understand one another for thousands of years. Both genders are trying to get something from the other, yet we just don’t speak the same language, do we? The reason is because underneath it all, biologically we’re still hard-wired to be like our cave people ancestors. It’s true!
Think back a few million years ago (give or take) when we as human beings were just emerging. Largely because of the drive to procreate and the differences in the male/female bodies, certain psychological protections emerged. Those drives continue to live on today. One of the successes of our species is that men and women DO have this hardwiring. (Of course as we’ve developed over time, we have more control over our instincts. But ignoring they exist puts any marketer looking for success at a huge disadvantage.)
What I’m trying to say here is the secret to reaching women all comes down to a word that rhymes with ‘vex’ and starts with the letter ‘s.’
Like this act, marketing is the process of getting there, closing the deal, and what happens afterwards. Every stage is incredibly important to women – both behind closed doors and in the marketing world. And the more you recognize it as a step-by-step process, the more successful you’ll be in reaching the female market. (The male market too for that matter.)
Imagine this . . .Flirt Factor
When a guy and a gal first notice each other and gaze from across the room, they get that little butterfly jump that they could be a match.
Then there’s flirting, getting to know each other, testing the waters, and eventually that major commitment. Of course if he doesn’t call, text, or email her again, their relationship ends right there. But the smart guy who follows up is more likely to get a repeat performance.
Now let’s put this in marketing terms, k?
You still basically have two people interacting . . . the prospect and the marketer.
Once the marketer sees the prospect from across a sales page and realizes this could be a match, then he knows it’s okay to take the next steps.
So you start by getting her attention, building rapport and trust, and eventually you get her commitment . . . the SALE.
Again, that’s not the end of it. How you treat her AFTERWARDS makes all the difference in whether or not you’re going to get a repeat sale.
Now can you see why those old hard-sell techniques are only marginally effective today? Modern women expect more. They know they have tons of choices, so if you aren’t the right ‘fit’ for them, they’ll simply move on.
There are FIVE FACTORS to successfully reaching the female market that I’ve researched and isolated. The first one is – THE FLIRT FACTOR. Today I want to talk about one way to use that one in your marketing.
The first thing two potential matches do when they’re attracted to each other is to start flirting. Flirting is that electric stage of the game when you’re learning about each other, and deliberately trying to get the other person excited.
Works in marketing too. The more you take the time to learn about your prospect, the more connected you’ll be.
Here’s the challenge though. Women are vastly different from one another, and fit in multiple categories like married, unmarried, divorced, with kids, without kids, blue collar worker, entrepreneur, white collar worker . . . . the list is practically endless. That makes market research A LOT MORE challenging.
(By the way, deeply segmenting your market is an area we spend quality hands-on time with at *The She Factor* workshop on October 2, 3, and 4 in LA. The more you know about specifically who you’re trying to sell to, the better your chances of success.)
One of the things I figured out a long time ago is when you’re writing copy or any marketing materials, you need to be very specific about who you’re talking to. So rather than writing to a mob of people – your target market – I recommend you write to a SINGLE PERSON – your TARKET. Tarket is the term I coined as the singular of target market. It’s like your persona or character or avatar who is a representative of the majority of your ideal customers.
This technique is extremely connecting and relationship-building which is what women in particular look for. When you read copy that uses this device, it’s almost as if the writer were in the same room talking to the reader. Copywriting is actually an interactive activity. There is the writer or marketer – you – and the reader or prospect. As soon as the prospect doesn’t feel connected the relationship is over.
This is one of a five-part series on how to market to women. Next week we’ll talk about the second factor in the process of marketing to women – THE TRUST FACTOR.
If you’re ready to reach a brand new league in marketing, you want to join me in Los Angeles for the first ever hands on workshop, *The She Factor.*This live hands-out workshop takes place in October 2, 3, and 4. Step-by-step, I’ll walk you through how to apply each of these Five Factors to YOUR business on-site using *The She Factor Marketing System.* Remember, the DEADLINE to save is AUGUST 15. Bring a friend for half-price. www.TheSheFactor.com.
About the Author
Award-winning Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy is the top female copywriter in her industry. While her strategies teach both men and women how to massively increase their profits, she is aware that women make 85% of all purchasing decisions. Now she can teach you how to find, catch, and keep your share of the female market. Get details at http://www.TheSheFactor.com
‘Copywriting TNT’ Newsletter
* IMNewswatch would like to thank Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘TNT Newsletter’.
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